Still plugging away at this one - Wanda portrait take 5?

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Actually I've lost track of how many I've done at this point, but I can still share...


Linda has been very helpful so far on this one (very much appreciated - yes I need better pics!!!). Still needs some work (the hands are roughed in at the moment - on the to do list, and the bass needs detail). Comments/suggestions are as always quite welcome!
Snausages said:
She lookem like she gonna turn green and tear someone's head off! AAAAHH! Otherwise stellar work there Toasty ol boy...

Thanks for the input Snausages! I am getting better as I go along, but this particular one has been a challenge - I'm still not happy with it despite hours and hours of work on the face...

And the lack of comments pretty much indicates I haven't nailed it.

Some artists have a much easier time than myself rendering people. Nonetheless, as long as there is interest I'll keep trying!
Shannara said:
I think you did a nice job.

She's a hottie and a half :headbang: reminds me of an ex of mine from 3 summers ago.

Thanks for the compliments! Unfortunately, this project is now on hold for a bit... an idea struck so another piece has my attention currently.
Shannara said:
Do you post your work on a regular basis here?

Also, do you do any medievil/D&D type stuff?

Click the link in my sig to see how my artwork has progressed since I started hanging around these parts.

I have done a piece or two with a Medeival theme, but those aren't online at the moment...
Mr Toast said:
Click the link in my sig to see how my artwork has progressed since I started hanging around these parts.

I have done a piece or two with a Medeival theme, but those aren't online at the moment...

Pretty impressive mate :cool: You're good at this stuff. I'm even thinking of taking Golem off of my background and putting one of your pictures in it's place :metal:
Looks great so least I could help you with the's a pic of one from the G&L site, it's a SB-2 model, the bass her black workhorse is based on:

Let's hope you finish the pic soon... kind of partial to Steph, as I'm a bassist myself. :D

Not that the others are chopped liver, mind ya hehe :tickled:
Shannara said:
Pretty impressive mate :cool: You're good at this stuff. I'm even thinking of taking Golem off of my background and putting one of your pictures in it's place :metal:

Why thank you! As long as it is for personal use only, feel free add stuff to your desktop background!

And thanks for the pic of the bass Tazzola! I'll get back to this eventually...