Stolen Babies.

not sure bout this one, I heard one song and its alright but the others I've downloaded are a bit crap.
Think I've got to agree with Rozenrot and Unknown... It wants to be a lot more than it is... Style over substance! Not a good thing! There are more things to try and emulate than Nightmare before Christmas...
I discovered this band by chance on its label's site, which is The End Records and I like them quite much. They're quite original in my opinion, and let's consider this band has made just one album so far, so let's wait for the next release which maybe will show some refinement of the band's sound.
I've seen them live twice actually. Once opening for Faun Fables and the other type for Sleepytime Gorilla Museum (do you notice a pattern here?). Anyway, jgpgw hit the nail on the head: It's style over substance. Yes, they put on an interesting live show. Yes, their little stage gimmick is nice and will surely win over the Hot Topic crowd (or those who just graduated from the Hot Topic stage), but the fact of the matter is, is I don't think they're that great at what they do.