Stone sour vs. Slipknot

damn people
always putting down slipknot
i gotta say im a big slipknot fan
and ive never listened to any stone sour
maybe i should
even though this has nothing to do with the thread
i gotta say
Originally posted by npearce
I can't believe I just wasted 5 minutes of my life reading through this thread.

I can! All such threads possess a magnetism! Humanity is obsessed with depression, anger, depravity, silliness! (No-one to blame but yourself anyway. =)

I've only heard that first Stone Sour song once....I remember thinking it sounded interesting, but then corey sang, very audibly, the word 'death' or 'dying' or something similar, and nothing else in the music, vocals, lyrics or video followed through with it. Lost interest.
Originally posted by iamunicron
fuck off, what a great big load of wankers 3 month old wank stains on encrusted baggy y-fronys handed down by the wankers alcoholic father who suffered from bladder problems and did not wipe his ass for 4 before his death from a diharea blow back

What are you talking about? you must be delirious from Hunger. Go eat Cybertron and get back to us.
Get Inside bugs the hell out of me. Bother is basicly another Creed/Nickleback clone type song. As far as Slipknot goes, the last album didn't have any rap vocals in it. Not even a small rap vocal part in an otherwise good song. That is a good thing in my book. Now if Slipknot can only put more work into their guitar parts, and avoid anything that closely resembles a rap vocal, they could survive the current mallcore trend. Which band is better? Not sure yet, I need to hear more from Stone Sour.
I always liked SlipKnoT (GOT A FVCKING PROBLEM WITH THAT?) but I dont really like Stone Sour other than that Bother song. Stone Sour sounds like a watered down version of Slipknot.