Stonecutters - More Familiar Than You Think


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
By Jason Jordan

I think I read something about you having a former band?

Yeah, we put out 9 CD’s with my former band My Own Victim. Four were released on Century Media and the other 5 we put out ourselves. Let’s see – My Own Victim EP, Burning Inside, No Voice No Rights No Freedom, The Weapon, Strength, Songs for the Hurt, Deadly, Above It All, and LeadHead. I also did a tour playing guitar in Brothers of Conquest. That’s a killer band where I was called Briar Omen. And I sometimes play guitar for Crazy Train, the Ozzy tribute band, where I’m known as Brian Iommer.

Would you mind introducing us to Stonecutters’s members?

Well the core members are myself and Cliff Whitehead on guitars. Lately Greg Stilts and Richard Bybee (Luther, Crazy Train) have been playing out of town with us when the other can not. And J.D. Hall, Kevin Redford, and Chad Omen have all been playing bass for us on different occasions. It kind of sucks right now that none of the bass players are permanent. We want them to be, but J.D. and Kevin both have little girls, which makes it hard sometimes, and Chad’s got his band. They’re all great people and musicians.


It seems like “The Death of Me” is very guitar-oriented, since leads occupy the forefront for the last half of the song. Is there any particular guitarist whose influence has helped you become what you are today?

Yeah, I do kind of want the guitar to be the forefront for Stonecutters. I want people to think of Stonecutters as the name implies: heavy (stoner’s fine with me) and cutting it up like with the guitar, ya know? But as far as influences go, I’m a big Iron Maiden fan so I'd have to say Dave Murray and Adrian Smith (Fuck that 3rd guitar player! Get him outta there!), Tony Iommi, Randy Rhoads, Angus Young, Mike Amott, Dimebag, Zakk Wylde, dude from Grand Magus, Brent Hinds from Mastodon’s a bad ass, Matt Pike... Wino is a big influence on my guitar playing. I love that last Place of Skulls record he did with Victor Griffin!

Of all the albums, yet to be released this year, which one are you anticipating the most? Is it possible for that album to disappoint you?

I can’t think of any CD coming out this year that I’m dying to hear. The new Mastodon I’m curious about. I think AC/DC's coming out with a new one soon. I liked Stiff Upper Lip myself. Hell, I’m still listening to my old records like crazy. My CD, DVD, and record collection is so big from working at ear X-tacy for 6 years. I’ve got enough to listen to for years!


I like cheese. If you were making a sandwich – and had all the world’s cheeses at your fingertips – then what kind of cheese would you choose?

Fuck, I don't know. I like cheese too, so give me any of ‘em. Pepper Jack?

Have Stonecutters been approached by any labels that they would like to be signed to?

No. I want to record just the right demo. I’ve got a killer packaging ready with this artwork that Dave Pollard’s been doing for us. He’s been doing all our artwork, shirts, and stickers. I do like a lot of stuff Southern Lord puts out. We’re very doom-oriented so I think we’d fit with them. Relapse puts out killer stuff. Century Media and Nuclear Blast are cool. I want to remain underground with this, and it’s definitely not a mainstream thing.

Ever been out of the country (U.S.)? If so, where?

Dude, I’ve done so much traveling. Which is a great thing! Right after high school, me and a bunch of friends went to Jamaica for a week. But with M.O.V., we toured Europe 3 times. The last time we were over there, in ‘97 I believe it was, we did a 2 month tour with Biohazard from Sweden to England playing in front of roughly 1000-2000 people a night. We got up to this huge high point the last time we toured over there, then we had it out with CM and never returned. It’s a sad story that makes me mad talking about it.


What cover song would you do a rendition of, providing that you had to do one?

Been known to do some Sabbath of course. M.O.V. used to do “Walk All Over You” by AC/DC, that’s a fun song to play. I’d love to do a cover of “Phantom of the Opera” by Maiden!

What’s your favorite torture device? Personally, I prefer the Iron Maiden…

Check out the torture museum in Amsterdam if you ever get the chance! It’s fucking awesome. I’ve got pictures.

First vinyl record you purchased: what band and what album?

For Christmas one year my uncle bought me INXS's Listen Like Thieves. But I think I had bought Billy Squire's Don’t Say Know before that.


Nu-metal or emo?

Not really into either. But when I think of emo, I think of Louisville’s Elliott, like I said I’m not really into emo, but those guys did it better than any of ‘em. And it’s funny because M.O.V. were in a nu-metal A-Z list and I’m thinking, man, we’re old metal!

Do you think gas prices will ever be considerably lower? How has the price of fuel affected your daily routines and/or travel plans?

It’s fucking ridiculous! What, it’s supposed to be over $3 a gallon by Christmas or some shit. We drove to Little Rock and Memphis this past weekend, to play a couple of shows, and we spent about $300 in gas! We’ve got a Dick and a Bush in The White House so everybody gets screwed!

There has to be a way to touch base with Stonecutters. Where can interested parties go to learn more about the band and its music?

Check out My e-mail is:


What are your brutally honest thoughts on Necrophagist?

Haven’t really kept up with them. I listen to Necrophagia a little.

Do you have any pets?

Got a dog named Lucy and a fish named Steve.

Which music festival would you most like to play at, and why?

Castle Donnington, is that still going on? Played Reignculture in Bonn, Germany on 4th of July in like ‘95/‘96. That was pretty amazing.

Finally, what famous last words do you have for the UltimateMetal audience?

Right and wrong statements are total views of opinion meant only for control and obedience, so think for yourself! With Stonecutters I want to break down all preconceived barriers. I tell people Stonecutters are a mix of GG Allin and Jimi Hendrix. Why can’t we be influenced by both? I want to bring polar opposites together (love/hate) and I’ll fight for this cause. It has to be done because it’s the truth! Being from Kentucky, we’re in the middle and have had the finger pointed at our redneck asses for far too long! This state is full of the most solid people there are. We actually give a fuck, and we know what is real.

UltimateMetal's Review of Stonecutters - Stonecutters EP
Official Stonecutters MySpace Website
Official Stonecutters Website