Stoner (inspired by Sleep/Electric Wizard/Kyuss)


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
I've got a project in the works called Maguro. It's meant to be a container for all the stuff that doesn't really fit into my band.

Anyway, this happened today... I didn't really set out to write this, it just sort of happened. Let me know what you think in terms of production, songwriting, etc...

If anyone wants to do some vocals for it, lets talk, I'm happy to collaborate. Rot.mp3
Not sure if I like the kick beat. It's a bit too "intentionally fucked up" for my tastes. I think simpler would be better.

I like the snare though.... lots of room mic, I'm guessing? What kind of drum/skins/tension/mic was used.

Guitars are nice too. What was the amp/cab?
Hey Glenn, cheers for listening :)

Drums were Superior 2.0 with Metal Foundry. Played on a TD-6. I might simplify the kick beats in a few areas. I did some double-kick work just as a test really, I don't usually use double kick beaters. Anyway, kick was the Sonor Tomas Haake in MF, snare was the Pearl Sensitone, and the toms were a selection of the Silversparkle toms.

Amp is a Laney VH100R into a Marshall JCM900 2x12 with T-75's. Mic'd with a SM57beta.