Stop the Internet Blacklist


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land
Huffington Post said:
When it really matters to them, Congressmembers can come together -- with a panache and wry wit you didn't know they had. As banned books week gets underway, and President Obama admonishes oppressive regimes for their censorship of the Internet, a group of powerful Senators -- Republicans and Democrats alike -- have signed onto a bill that would vastly expand the government's power to censor the Internet.

The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) was introduced just one week ago, but it's greased and ready to move, with a hearing in front of the Judiciary Committee this Thursday. If people don't speak out, US citizens could soon find themselves joining Iranians and Chinese in being blocked from accessing broad chunks of the public Internet.
this won't pass - they tried doing something like this here in EU(in fact there was a thread about this here) and it's all gone. And we all know how greedy selfish bastards EU politicians are.

Then again, there's always proxy browsing :Smokedev:
Internet will need to be policed one day. This is the old wild west of the information age.

Probably so, but who's going to draw the line and where?

Your kids/grandkids will think it was so cool that we could write/do whatever we wanted on the internet.

They may also think it was so cool that we could write/say aloud/think whatever we wanted. ;)