Strange but true


Feb 26, 2004
Not that any of you care, but someone I went to school with, I believe a year older or two is in a band called Skeleton Key and just joined Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Any of you know someone that is in another band and you never knew and thought it was, well
He was a drummer, and coicidentally I played in a band with the current drummer of Converge. How many scene points do i get for that?
Inking in the Indelible return of the Inedible Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
Revealing the adroit percussing (while perhaps concealing the Incorrigible terminologism) of new member Matthias Bossi!
And congratulating former drummer Frank Grau on his promotion to a management position!

Matthias Bossi=Stabber with hat.
i have been looking that guy up on google for years, because i knew that at least back in 8th grade he was really into the drums and all. I figured he might be doing something these days. Anyway google has not a word on him. Was he in that d.m. band for like, only the first two years of high school or what?

alex: stephen cominsky
haha, notice how on their site, they have a list of bands that have played there. JC Music hosts rock shows now? Interesting. I wonder how tough it'd be to get a Meriden gig...

If we were to play there, I'd wear my Meriden Boys' Club soccer t-shirt so hard.
Incidently I only know of one person from my high school doing anything remotly close to art. The kid was in our equivalent of grade 7 when I was leaving high school. He is apparently studying at the biggest musical academy in Quebec in bass. And I only know that because my mother talks to his mother from time to time...
I must mentionned that the two student bands that existed at my high school disbanded and none of those guys play music anymore, as far as I know. Both bands were pretty crap anyway, both covered Deep Purple, AC/DC and the like, badly I might add.