Strange ethics question

Deaf Ear

Feb 25, 2007
So two of my friends had a falling out of sorts. Basically they hate each other, but I'm not taking sides in the situation.

Soooo, friend 1 gets a voice mail from friend 2 that's a pretty blatant death threat. They write a song about the situation, and want to sample the death threat voice mail from friend 2. Should I just do what I'm getting paid to do, or should I refuse to use the sample? It could come off like I'm taking sides no matter what I do. The song and sample are freakin great though, I mean, who leaves a death threat on a voice mail?
wow man not sure what i would do in that situation. I would say if a customer wants the sample fuck it. Friend 2 cant freak to much on you for doing your job. hope that helps.
Well, you let them do what they want, and then let friend 2 do the response song to that one. So you get 2x the money, they had their fight, you are neutral seeing as you did both sides :devil:
i would tell them that it's not very friendly for them to ask you to get in the middle of their feud with the threat-maker.

having said that, i'd also tell the guy who made the threat that his behavior is disturbing and puts you in a bad position, both with your clients, and with him as a friend.

very weird. i actually like your client's attitude about it... making the best of rough situation by making light of it... and your other friend should know that making threats like that is very serious, and could get him in a ton of trouble.
What James said. I know a guy that got fined pretty bad and got a permanent mark on his criminal record for issuing a death threat, even though it was just said in anger and he didn't really mean it.
That said. Use it in the song. You're only doing what you're being paid to do. I never mix business with friendship and have found it to be a lifesaver on more than one occasion.
I would use the sample like your clients asked ...

If the other guy is dumb enough to leave a death threat on someone's voice mail, it actually makes it worse for him if they used the sample. What if something happened to the other guy he threatened? Not only is there the voice mail proof, but another "record" of it as well. And what can he really do about it if they release a recording with it? Get mad and try to sue them for using his voice without asking him to sign a release form or paying him?

Its a serious thing, your clients have the right attitude about it and the other guy will eventually learn in one way or another that you can't go around doing that kind of shit.

Stupidity should be painful

I think you should do the song. You know, people are talking on lyrics about kill each other, nuclear extermination and raping corpses. At least you can get some serious hate on this song.
Thanks for all the comments. And yeah, I think I'm just going to roll with it. Somebody robbed his house right after he got the phone call. I love it when shit goes too far. Maybe it'll cheer him up. What I still don't understand about the whole thing is, if you're going to call someone and threaten to cut their throat, if you get a voice mail, you HANG UP.
Wow. That guy is fucked. Even if he wasn't the one that did the robbery, you've got evidence of him making a threat. What a fucking jackass:lol:
You're not choosing sides when one of the dudes is threatening to kill the other one? I'd be tempted to choose sides if I were in your situation. Why do you want to save your relationship with Mr. Deaththreat anyway?
Yeah, fuck it. Life's too short to worry about the little shit. Use the sample, but more importantly, post the mix on here! :heh:

Hhaha Definately . It'll be like in Dead Wreckoning when they used the answering machine sample from American Psycho.
"I killed my girlfriend with a chainsaw.." or whatever the fuck he says. haha