Stratovarius - Deep Unknown

power metal, just more power metal, fun for the first three songs ever heard, after that, just more power metal with constant bass drum roll and wishfully epic anthem chorus's
they are talented players but overly formulated writers trapped in.... power metal
ending is identical to a section from Savatage, somewhere in Wake of Megallan (I think), probably origionating from some classical piece
I'm not gonna lie, this song sounds pretty good to me. The musicianship in Stratovarius was greatly increased with the new guitarist Matias Kupiainen, who is a big Symphony X fan by the way amongst other things. I think you can hear it in the solo section and maybe even in some of the riffing. He co-wrote this song with Kotipelto.

Not saying that I expect a great album, but I will check it out. Leaving Tolkki behind must have done good for this band.
The best I've heard from them in the last 5 years.

Nothing I will listen to though.

This is essentially the exact same reaction I had. Wow...I like that more than anything I have heard from them in a long time, very cool... I will never after this seek to hear that song again.

Personally I can't get into any power metal that uses the standard song forms. I think Power Metal needs to have that dramatic, story telling style like impressionism that is accomplished so much more effectively with unique song forms and interesting progressions/scales/changes in mood. It's a genre that can be so effective when treated like Symphony X V or Blind Guardian Nightfall in Middle Earth or Gamma Ray Somewhere Out in Space, but when it is just formulaic, drone verses, minor scale runs, it just cannot hold my interest for more than a passing instant.
The last Symphony X album had some songs that were just as standard in song form, but I guess you didn't really like Paradise Lost.
Definitely the best Stratovarius I've heard YET. I won't buy this album, but it seems quite good. The new guitarist is technically amazing, but it's just too bad he sounds like Romeo without the taste.
I've never heard of these guys before, and I have to say it's pretty cool. I would def see them if they came to Philly - they're no Symphony X, but this is fun stuff, and relatively interesting (compared to iced earth or hammerfall, which, granted, isn't saying much). But its something to tide you over till nect symphX album which is... ever coming?
I have Visions back at my parents place.

Quite horrible actually, yet catchy as hell.
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Well perhaps I'm the minority here but I really like this song.
Given I'm a metal fan first and a prog fan second. I love everything from power and prog metal to death, thrash and some stoner and doom metal. I think this song is excellent, I only have 3 Stratovarius albums (Visions, Infinite and s/t) but I'm very impressed by this song, definately far better than their last album which doesn't say much but this is also quiet good compared to their earlier material. Good composition, good key changes and a really killer melody, definately sounds like Strato are going to be leaning for a more epic and progressive sound on Polaris, hope the rest of the album matches upto this.

And JesterIF, you really hear a similarity to Romeo in this guys soloing? Interesting, I don't.. really the only similarity I hear is the neo-classical leaning, thats about it. cool.
Not bad for Strato. I hope the new cd is as good as this. It's a new era for them. Plus, I believe Pagan's Mind will be touring with them, so this will be a must see show if it comes near me.
My thoughts exactly. What's everyone's problem with standard song structures? They're standard for a reason - because they work well!

I have no prob with standard song structures, but I don't think they work well in Power Metal - I think they work well for pop. The Beatles early material was all extremely standard, but because the songs are so cleverly written and so catchy those songs are incredible. When it comes to power metal though, I don't think the goal is so much to appeal to the widest audience possible and be instantly catchy. All metal thrives off emotion and drama. I liken it to film score in terms of exploring varying moods and implying actual events with harmonic decisions. I find when power metal tries to be standard it's like less effective pop. Especially dealing with power chord progressions - at least pop uses more interesting chords and progressions, by comparison these neutral power chords bopping predictably about the minor scale is intensely uncreative.
The only song by Stratovarius I like is Soul of a Vagabond...everything else annoys me.

BTW, didn't Stratovarius break up or something?
I have no prob with standard song structures, but I don't think they work well in Power Metal - I think they work well for pop. The Beatles early material was all extremely standard, but because the songs are so cleverly written and so catchy those songs are incredible. When it comes to power metal though, I don't think the goal is so much to appeal to the widest audience possible and be instantly catchy. All metal thrives off emotion and drama. I liken it to film score in terms of exploring varying moods and implying actual events with harmonic decisions. I find when power metal tries to be standard it's like less effective pop. Especially dealing with power chord progressions - at least pop uses more interesting chords and progressions, by comparison these neutral power chords bopping predictably about the minor scale is intensely uncreative.
I really think if you're gonna look at music that way, then... how do you like any metal bands? You're describing like 90% of heavy metal, not just power metal.