I really think if you're gonna look at music that way, then... how do you like any metal bands? You're describing like 90% of heavy metal, not just power metal.
I really think if you're gonna look at music that way, then... how do you like any metal bands? You're describing like 90% of heavy metal, not just power metal.
The last Symphony X album had some songs that were just as standard in song form, but I guess you didn't really like Paradise Lost.
But you don't like it because every song is under six minutes and you're a prog fanboy.
Strato has never been a favorite band..but Polaris is fucking amazing..It's heavy and Proggy. They have been releasing shit for the past 3 or 4 albums..I'm glad they changed for this one.
If you like Visions get Destiny, Infinite and now Polaris...I'm not Familiar with the really old stuff.
And the ones in between polaris and infinite are terrible
Stay away from Self-Titled, Elements Part 1 and 2
And JesterIF, you really hear a similarity to Romeo in this guys soloing? Interesting, I don't.. really the only similarity I hear is the neo-classical leaning, thats about it. cool.
I dunno, while listening to the first part of the solo, I heard some string skip picking the way Romeo used to do it, but sloppier. That's about it actually.
I dunno, while listening to the first part of the solo, I heard some string skip picking the way Romeo used to do it, but sloppier. That's about it actually.
I don't hear the sloppiness tbh.
^That album is the Siege Perilous of Stratovarius.