Nuclear Blast - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon
There was a time when I would have gotten really excited about a new Stratovarius album but that was before I came to the realization that I was bored with all their albums, their music, everything. I went to Amoeba Music in Hollywood, sold them my entire Stratovarius catalogue and I have never looked backed since.
After their self-imposed hiatus on recording a new album, in which both Timo's released atrocious solo albums, the band is back with Elements Pt. 1 and if you are wondering if this new album changed my perspective on the band then you are mistaken. The band sticks to a formula and there is no way that they will waver away from it. You get the necessary fast single "Eagleheart" and I swear that the first time I heard the song and the chorus came up the lyrics from "Hunting High & Low" popped into my mind. The one instrumental in "Stratofortress", the sappy and slow is found in "Papillon" (Why use that little kid singing in the beginning? Why?) and "A Drop in the Ocean" as well as two epics in "Fantasia" and "Elements". In between there are variations to all these songs and previous songs found in different albums. The simple fact is that I sit and listen to this album and the same thought comes up, "I know I have heard this in another one of their albums."
There is no doubt that this album will be eaten up and enjoyed by those fans of the band and of the genre so there really isn't anything that this critique will do for these people. But for those looking for a little bit more creativity and originality from a band please look elsewhere. The worst thing about all of this is that this album is titled Elements. Pt. 1 so that means that there is a part 2 coming up. I can hardly wait.
Oh and as a final thought, it is hard to believe that Derek Riggs, he of the fabulous 80's Iron Maiden album covers, now does something as bad as the cover for this one.
Nuclear Blast Website
Stratovarius Official Website
Nuclear Blast - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon

There was a time when I would have gotten really excited about a new Stratovarius album but that was before I came to the realization that I was bored with all their albums, their music, everything. I went to Amoeba Music in Hollywood, sold them my entire Stratovarius catalogue and I have never looked backed since.
After their self-imposed hiatus on recording a new album, in which both Timo's released atrocious solo albums, the band is back with Elements Pt. 1 and if you are wondering if this new album changed my perspective on the band then you are mistaken. The band sticks to a formula and there is no way that they will waver away from it. You get the necessary fast single "Eagleheart" and I swear that the first time I heard the song and the chorus came up the lyrics from "Hunting High & Low" popped into my mind. The one instrumental in "Stratofortress", the sappy and slow is found in "Papillon" (Why use that little kid singing in the beginning? Why?) and "A Drop in the Ocean" as well as two epics in "Fantasia" and "Elements". In between there are variations to all these songs and previous songs found in different albums. The simple fact is that I sit and listen to this album and the same thought comes up, "I know I have heard this in another one of their albums."
There is no doubt that this album will be eaten up and enjoyed by those fans of the band and of the genre so there really isn't anything that this critique will do for these people. But for those looking for a little bit more creativity and originality from a band please look elsewhere. The worst thing about all of this is that this album is titled Elements. Pt. 1 so that means that there is a part 2 coming up. I can hardly wait.
Oh and as a final thought, it is hard to believe that Derek Riggs, he of the fabulous 80's Iron Maiden album covers, now does something as bad as the cover for this one.
Nuclear Blast Website
Stratovarius Official Website