Stratovarius set list (Buenos Aires)


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
From the Strat Forum:

1- Maniac Dance
2- Speed Of Light
3- Kiss of Judas
4- Legions
5- Twilight Symphony
6- Will the sun rise?
7- Lauri Porra's Bass solo (great BTW)
8- Land Of Ice and Snow
9- United
10- Against The Wind
11- Season Of Change
12- Father Time
13- Coming Home
14- Destiny
15- Hunting High and Low
--------------------------- (People want more of course!, hehe)
16 - Forever
17- Black Diamond

Glenn H.
Nice, but only one song I think that I knew before they were announced for Prog-Power (i.e. something from Infinite or Elements Pt. 1)
GOOD setlist! very little material from the Elements discs... I hope they stick to that trend. And they played one of the best power ballads ever written ("Coming Home")... my only gripe is that I'd like to see at least one song from Dreamspace or earlier, since that's where their best material comes from IMO.

My anticipation factor for Strat just shot up by about 500%.
booB said:
GOOD setlist! very little material from the Elements discs... I hope they stick to that trend.

:lol: I'd throw them extra money to stick in "Fantasia" and "Elements" and replace the new tracks with songs from 'Infinite.' Heck, I'd throw them extra money just to add "Fantasia." :D
ragingsaxmachine said:
Looks like they didn't take too close of a look at that setlist poll. :(

12 of those were in the winning 18 song setlist. Coming Home was the 1st runner up at #19. Still, I agree there are some glaring omissions that could have been picked over a few on this setlist.
I was hoping that this was a 60 minute set, but doing the math it had to be 90, so without substitutions this is what we could get.
Compared to what I was looking forward to I'd give this one a B+ tops.
Now, I am not an old time Strat listener but I have no idea what everyone has against the Elements set. I think PtI is some of the best stuff Strat has out there (and my personal favorite from them). Pt2 is week but still some very good music on it and certainly a stronger disc than Intermission (which is a poorly tracked disc). I would be thrilled to someday see a them play just the Elements set.

As far as not playing from Dreamspace...I know my son will agree. He is the big Strat fan and it is his favorite album from them, so he is a wee bit disapointed....though still thrilled as it is one of his favorite bands and I'll be taking him to see them at Jaxx after PP.

Have to agree that it would be nice to see them do one or two early songs...though have to figure that is has to be hard putting together a set list for your first US tour when you have so much material. Too....just might change a bit.
King Lek said:
Now, I am not an old time Strat listener but I have no idea what everyone has against the Elements set. I think PtI is some of the best stuff Strat has out there (and my personal favorite from them). Pt2 is week but still some very good music on it and certainly a stronger disc than Intermission (which is a poorly tracked disc). I would be thrilled to someday see a them play just the Elements set.

Agreed. Elements Pt. 1 got me into Strato, and Eagleheart was comfortably into the midst of the winners in the setlist poll. Maybe its the fact that Tolkki flat out hates the song....
mtlheart said:
12 of those were in the winning 18 song setlist. Coming Home was the 1st runner up at #19. Still, I agree there are some glaring omissions that could have been picked over a few on this setlist.
I was hoping that this was a 60 minute set, but doing the math it had to be 90, so without substitutions this is what we could get.
Compared to what I was looking forward to I'd give this one a B+ tops.

I would really like to hear We Hold the Key, I Walk to my Own Song and Phoenix just rules. when they play the states they should at least do a medley of some of the Tollkki stuff from the first three albums. Like Fright Night/ Twilight Time/Hold on to you Dream/Regn of Terror. that would be cool.
Harvester said:
1- Maniac Dance
2- Speed Of Light
3- Kiss of Judas
4- Legions
5- Twilight Symphony
6- Will the sun rise?
7- Lauri Porra's Bass solo (great BTW)
8- Land Of Ice and Snow
9- United
10- Against The Wind
11- Season Of Change
12- Father Time
13- Coming Home
14- Destiny
15- Hunting High and Low
16 - Forever
17- Black Diamond
Damn! They're playing 17 songs I don't want to hear. I had a feeling this would happen. Oh well. I was hoping, that they would simply use their alloted time to play a tribute to Nevermore. Alas... it's not to be.:erk:

General Zod said:
Damn! They're playing 17 songs I don't want to hear. I had a feeling this would happen. Oh well. I was hoping, that they would simply use their alloted time to play a tribute to Nevermore. Alas... it's not to be.:erk:


Greg, any chance that 7 beers or something could change your mind about enjoying their set? :loco:
Dark One said:
Greg, any chance that 7 beers or something could change your mind about enjoying their set?
Possibly. As of now, the plan is to drink at a comfortable pace, through PC69s set. I plan to increase the pace after that. So, by the time Strat goes on, I'll either be headbanging wildly or taunting the band.:loco:

General Zod said:
Possibly. As of now, the plan is to drink at a comfortable pace, through PC69s set. I plan to increase the pace after that. So, by the time Strat goes on, I'll either be headbanging wildly or taunting the band.:loco:


Or even both if you increase the pace quickly enough. :lol:

BTW, my plan is the same, even though I'm looking forward to their set.