Street Teamers take note...


Bass Gear Geek
Nov 14, 2005
Backpage ad....

Craigslist ad.....

If your city has Craigslist or You can easily put up ads to plug a Maidens show. Posting an ad cost nothing but a little time but may catch the eye of people who would never see a flyer.

Jenna and I made a couple of boilerplate ads. All you have to do is change the city, venue, and date info to post away.

They only take about five minutes to do which is less time than locating another place to hand out flyers.

If anyone wants the boilerplate ads for use in Idaho or anywhere else for that matter, just PM me and I will get it to you.

That's great Jim and Jenna! We cannot thank you enough for all the help you provide for us. We'll see you tonight Jim, and Jenna....."your time will come!!!!!" Let's hope it's this year and in your neck o the woods! :headbang:
That's great Jim and Jenna! We cannot thank you enough for all the help you provide for us. We'll see you tonight Jim, and Jenna....."your time will come!!!!!" Let's hope it's this year and in your neck o the woods! :headbang:

You're welcome Linda!! I'll be seeing a "virtual" Maidens show again tonight curteousy of the amazing Jim!!! :worship:

Let's hope so eh?? (But not in July when Metallica are touring!!! ;) )
Scots may be tight for cash sometimes, but we can still have a damn good time on what little we do have!! :kickass: That's the way it was taken hun! ;)
Stealing other peoples drinks and getting shitfaced for free? Sounds like a plan to me! :p

Good, some people are too touchy to take jokes. Good jokes that is, some bad jokes suck ass... o_O