Stressed out!

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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I need to rant a little here as my stress levels are hitting the roof.

I need more hours in the day, and night.

Work is sooo amazingly busy, but not in a good way. The losers redesigned our flag ship products and of course the new design does not work. The geniuses, rather than keeping the old style going until the new was solid as a rock, just dropped it like a bad habit. So now, we are not shipping product to anyone.
We build it, doesn't work, rebuild it, doesn't work, rebuild it, doesn't work.

The closing date on my house is June 25th, which is still a few weeks off so I can only plan and do so much.

Several weeks after the closing on the house, I have to start school also.

constant penny pinching is driving me nuts, I need to make sure I can afford everything at the same time.

All of this leaves me little or no time to enjoy myself or think about working on anything creative and musical. that always bothers me when I can't.
blah blah blah, yada yada yada.

ok, enough of my bullshit.
Profånity said:
Thanks, I feel that if you see some of the houses near to where I live, then you feel you're a part of my neighbourhood and one of my friends.
so thats the reasoning :cool:

...INTERESTING *strokes her beard*