What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
AHHH!H! What do you listen to when you're stressed!!! AHAHAHH!!!!!H!H! God damn work is trying to kill me AAAHHHHHHHHH!1111111111?4jkljlgd

Usually extremely aggressive death metal, or ridiculously terrorizing thrash metal terrorizing terror (w/ xxxxxxxxtra terror). Either that or something relaxing, like earlier I put Beck - Round the Bend on loop because it's such a wonderful gentle song.

But fuck all that right now, I need Meshuggah.

Oh that's right, most everybody here lives with mommy and daddy and don't know what the fuck a "job" or "stress" really is, besides some strange word in the dictionary describing some activity they've never experienced. Almost forgot!
One Inch Man said:

Oh that's right, most everybody here lives with mommy and daddy and don't know what the fuck a "job" or "stress" really is, besides some strange word in the dictionary describing some activity they've never experienced. Almost forgot!


When I'm stressed I don't want to have any sounds around me, least of all extreme metal, then I would probably get a heart attack
1 star?! wtf? who's on this rampage ?

when im stressed, ill usually pop in some Radiohead - Kid A, or Tenhi - Kuaun, or...Ulver, or...Empyrium - Weiland, or...some classic rock get it.
spaffe said:

When I'm stressed I don't want to have any sounds around me, least of all extreme metal, then I would probably get a heart attack

hehe ... right on ... my recommendation was FOR Nad ... personally I need soothing sounds of the carribean when I am stressing
I'm generally stressed every day more or less, hell i even have some silver hair(no not grey, i went straight to silver) starting to show up on my head :erk: I listen to whatever, nothing in particular.

I'm still listening to a bunch of 80's stuff and other odds and ends mixed in at the moment. Here's my audioscrobbler, that should provide some entertainment for a few of you:
Haha awesome, more 1-star votes trying to keep this thread down. I love people that live life through a safety shield. Talking smack on the internet is pretty pussy as it is, but some of you have to do it anonymously. That fucking rocks! Here ya go:

I'm in a finely ripe mood today it seems. :D You should've heard me last night, I had a 40 minute rant on some bullshit about taxes. My friends said "damn NAD, we haven't heard you rant in awhile, guess you were due."

I prefer to be in a horrible mood for 2 days then spend the rest of the month grinning ear to ear (except when the UM server acts up of course :dopey: ).
Funny how stress relief via music can come about through either intense extreme metal, or soft acoustic forest folk ambience. It all depends on what kind of results you're after.
One Inch Man said:
I'm in a finely ripe mood today it seems. :D You should've heard me last night, I had a 40 minute rant on some bullshit about taxes. My friends said "damn NAD, we haven't heard you rant in awhile, guess you were due."

I prefer to be in a horrible mood for 2 days then spend the rest of the month grinning ear to ear (except when the UM server acts up of course :dopey: ).

don't worry i got some people pissed off this past week also ... I am on the rag really bad.

we both have this disease called lackopussilitis :tickled:
I like this thread, I'll 4 or 5 stars in a sec.

I usually try to mellow out when I'm stressed, maybe with some Dargaard, Slow Horse, and surprisingly Skepticism can chill you out or ntil Death Overtakes Me. It's so slow, it slow down the heart rate.

But yeah, I get those hyper-stress things going sometimes and I need something like Aeternus or Graveland or even Nile. Nice plundering music.
yeah, I did that just for you. I would've mentioned Blood Red Throne and Slayer, but NAD wanted stress music not i-feel-like-wearing-a-dress-and-hitting-on-guys music