Stronger, Higher Quality DI's. How do ?


Dec 8, 2008
For a while i've been thinking about buying some sort of DI box as i assume this is what can increase the quality of the DI's I am recording for myself and bands that record with me ?

Im wondering if it is a DI box that I need to help make them sound as strong and nice as the DI's supplied for the Guitar Tone comp and the infamous Holy Diver DI's because in comparison mine sound like a$$

Any advice and help would be greatly appreciated. :kickass:
The ultimate:

The really good:


Any decent quality D.I. will give you good results for guitar/bass tracking and reamping. The Radial JDI and Countryman Type 85 that were mentioned above will both do the job nicely. Put the extra money into your guitar/pickups, as the instrument will have a MUCH bigger impact on the sound you're getting than the D.I.

Personally, I owned an Avalon U5 for a few years and ended up selling it after comparing it to a Radial and to the instrument inputs on the API 3124 and Focusrite ISA428. It just wasn't bringing anything special to the table for me, and I really don't think it's worth the money. These days I do my guitar D.I.s with a Little Labs IBP and I've been completely satisfied. Bass usually goes direct into the API (for a punchier sound) or the Focusrite (for a warmer sound).

If you're looking for an ass kicking fancy-pants tube D.I., the A Designs Reddi is pretty much universally recommended, but I haven't used one so I can't give a personal recommendation.
George, your DIs did not and do not sound bad.

Also, Loren, I wouldn't get the Avalon; it's definitely going to color the low mids in a way you would end up regretting.

Use a DI box of SOME SORT (Countryman is the best IMHO), keep the impedance close to the guitar's impedance.


You need to play relatively hard to to get that SNAP out of the strings.
No, but why bother? The BSS AR-133 is tried and true, and awesome :D (I mention that because apparently the Countryman is super pricey outside the US, there's a surprise :lol: )


I have been using the BSS AR-133 as well for the past few weeks.
Really fond of the results i've been getting. Haven't tried any of
the other suggestions though, can't comment on those.
May I ask a related question?

Does having a DI box make a difference when the audio interface (for recording) has Hi-Z (High impedance) inputs?
May I ask a related question?

Does having a DI box make a difference when the audio interface (for recording) has Hi-Z (High impedance) inputs?

I high Z input is technically a DI on your interface. I think my Little Labs Redeye DI produces better DI's than my Hi-Z inputs on my Firestudio/Digimax though.

And besides, with a separate DI box you can feed thru to your amp so you can still monitor it/record it while recording your DI.
I've been wondering whether it makes any difference if I'd use the AR-133 in place of the instrument inputs of my Saffire Pro 40. Should I get it for recording direct guitar and bass?
Here's another big thumbs down for the Avalon (I had one for 6 months and then dumped it on ebay). It was big money for something that, at least to me, didn't sound anywhere near as good as the countryman does. I love my type 85, even though I doubt I'll ever get DI's as nice as Marcus or Lolzgreg.

lolzgreg - thanks for the offer, I appreciate it. My chain is actually VERY simple - EBMM Petrucci BFR 7-string -> Countryman DI -> Motu 896HD. The reason why my DI's sound like crap though, is that I've been troubleshooting some type of ground loop or electrical issue in my studio for fucking MONTHS, and I can't seem to figure it all out. So what happens is that I have to adjust for the noise issue by cutting out high end, EQ'ing things like crazy, gating to no end, etc, so my DI's sound like garbage. I get one step closer to a fix every once in a while, but I haven't really got it licked 100% yet. That's the main reason why I enjoy working with DI's like yours and Marcus', is because they give me more confidence in my mixing abilities, since the material was obviously tracked in a place that isn't one big resonating hum-box like my current studio / office. I guess the garbage-in, garbage-out rule totally applies! My best mixes to date, by a huge margin, have been with the Holy Diver DI's and the one's you did for the tone competition...

For a while i've been thinking about buying some sort of DI box as i assume this is what can increase the quality of the DI's I am recording for myself and bands that record with me ?

Im wondering if it is a DI box that I need to help make them sound as strong and nice as the DI's supplied for the Guitar Tone comp and the infamous Holy Diver DI's because in comparison mine sound like a$$

Any advice and help would be greatly appreciated. :kickass:

- AMAZING PLAYER (makes 90% of the sucky tones tolerateable)
- good pickups on the guitar with new string
- good quality non-coloring active DI (as in non-tube DI) like Countryman or Radial
- good cables, preamp and converters
- don't track too hot
Thanks for the kind words again, let me try to trouble shoot.

a. Did you try a different guitar?
b. Did you turn every LIGHT out in your studio?
c. Does this happen with microphones as well as DI tracks? This is super important. If so, it very well may be a grounding issue INSIDE of your computer, where the power supply and FIREWIRE input/card are not acting in a fashion that you'd like them to.
d. Did you try different outlets/surge protectors?
e. Have you tried any kind of plug-in ground loop eliminator?