STRYPER, baby! Soldiers Under Command


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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I don't know why but I dug this album out today. Looking for some good inspiration, I guess. But this is a GREAT album. I think Stryper were somewhat underrated when it comes to great guitar playing and some catchy tunes. The put out some crap, too. But Soldiers Under Command and Yellow and Black Attack are BAD ASS!
I'll probably get hell from the rest of the UMOS crew, but this record is one of those that I found hard to pin down...
It's got some power metal tendendcies, there's some glam rock or what some would call "hair metal," hard rock & obviously christian rock...
Some how it works, because IT IS a great record.
This record & To Hell With the Devil are their best work...
STRYPER have some fantastic songs in their career but despite that I do like them quite a bit I have to complain about their utterly horrible ballad type songs. I´m more into their rocking tunes than the slow stuff. Too bad a lot of people don´t give them a chance because of their image and beliefs - at least that is how it was when they were really active.
The Only Stryper album I have and have Heard is Against the Law ... The Ballads Blah!!! But theres this one song "Caught in the Middle" it is one of My all time Favorite songs its totally Power Metal ... I found What kills them the most for me is the Vocals the guy sounds like a chick and thats just hard to take But Damn Caught in the Middle is InFuckingCredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JonnyD said:
The Only Stryper album I have and have Heard is Against the Law ...
That was at the tail end of their career, they used Tom Werman(Motley, Nugent, Twisted) and he turned them into a staright forward Rock band, if you read the liners, that fat "F" from American Idol played bass on "Shining Star" which was a cover by some R&B band... Earth, Wind & Fire... I think?
Don't you think that the track "Lady" is a prime example of the "pussification" of the male species?! Don't tell me you dig that?!
I like Two Time Woman, Rock the Hell out of You & Against the Law,
those are the standout tracks on that record...
They also dumped the Yellow & Black & each member had their own color...
Isn't that a bit New Kids on the Block?! They were grown men for "god's" sake!!!!!!:tickled:
Well, I'll revise my statements...hehe....I still say Stryper kicks ass in the riff/guitar department. But you guys are right...their ballads SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! haha But I still say they can flat out slam if they want to! Soldiers Under Command is a prime example.
Check out to Hell with the Devil.
The only track on there that is sluggish is the
track "Honestly." You remember that one from the old "Dial MTV"
days do you?! That song is more "gospel" than metal or even a power ballad!
On the other hand, "Calling on You" is one of the catchiest songs I have ever heard...