Stryper news


Oct 15, 2001
STRYPER frontman Michael Sweet has posted the following message on his official web site:

"Hello everyone. I thank you all again for your undying patience with me regarding updates and newsletters. I get so caught up in day-to-day events that before I know it, two to three months have gone by. Amazing, where does the time go? Hopefully I'll get better about sticking to a monthly update.

"The STRYPER tour was very successful in the sense of re-establishing our faith, and getting to know each other again. We spoke often and really opened up to each other, and because of the communication that we had, healing took place.

"When I left the band in 1991 and later moved to the East Coast in 1995, the time and distance away from each other seemed to have built a wall between us. We all know that this is not what God intended or wanted.

"Although I still believe without doubt that I was supposed to leave STRYPER to pursue other plans that God had on my life, I've come to the conclusion that no matter what God's plans are for our lives individually, we need to be able to love one another and show Gods love, mercy and grace to one another.

"It's easier to say this than it is to actually do it. We are all very different and we all have a very different way of wanting to do things. In the beginning stages of the band, we were more on the same page of the same book. Now however, we are on separate pages many times, and even within separate books. This is not a bad thing, it just makes it more difficult to learn how to deal with one another.

"On this tour we all felt that God had brought us together again and we wanted to be obedient to God. I don't mean to get deep here but I just want all of you to have a little insight on what we were going through off stage.

"Another thing that I learned is no matter how hard it is to deal with one another at times, God seems to continue to touch people and encourage people through the band. No matter how much we fall short, God's message and anointing still goes out! We saw this day after day and night after night.

"Despite our weaknesses, God is glorified! Praise God!!! He deserves it all.

"At this time we don't know what the future holds for the band, but we do know that we want to be obedient to God's calling, if He calls us to do more in the future. We of course will keep all of you updated as soon as anything is planned here at and

"Now more than ever, I feel a calling to do another solo project. God continues to give me music and a vision to reach people with that music. I'm preparing right now for a future release and my plans are to release a full-length record this year. Many of you have heard two of the songs that will be part of this project. Those songs are 'Miles Away' and 'Strong' and I've been writing for the past two months and have many new songs as well. I'm very happy with the direction and we (Deep South Entertainment and myself) have sent material out to a number of labels and we have many labels interested. We will update all of you with the latest news as it comes in.

"My hopes and prayers are that all of you will continue to support not only what I do individually, but what Robert, Oz and Tim do as well. We appreciate your prayers for God's direction and guidance on our lives.

"Jeff will also be re-creating the site to coincide with the new solo release. I thank God for Jeff and his amazing talent and support!

"Thank you all for continuing to support the site and the vision here at!

"I'm also VERY happy to announce that the Hymn Record entitled 'Hims' is finally available in the Merchandise section here at It is being shipped without lyrics, but you can view and print out the lyrics here on the site as well in the Multimedia section.

"It's a project that was long overdue and I'm thrilled to be able to offer it to all of you!

"For those of you who are going to Puerto Rico, I'll see you soon. Otherwise, may God continue to bless all of you."
If you changed the word God to Satan in that post, you could give it to Gorgoroth and nobody would know the difference...
Why are you doing this to me? I try to make people smile thats all. IF THATS A CRIME LOCK ME UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!