stuck in the ghetto surroundedby vicious attack dogs, tornado on the way.....

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
ahhh what FUN! yes, that was the day before new year's eve. me and my brother and my cousin were first trying to get to the musuem of natural history in dallas when we missed the exit onto the highway, and we're on lamar st. in dallas. REALLY bad area, all black......anyway, my cousin turns into a little dirt area on the side of the road to turn around, there was a house to the side with a wire fence all around it, and 5 or 6 pit bull/chow mix dogs come and surround the truck, barking, NOT letting us go anywhere. we managed to get back on the road, with the dogs still all around us! And more dogs coming from down the street! damn! we just wanted to get out without having to hit them, and we eventually did. so we made it to the musuem, poo, waste of money. THEN, the weather starts acting up and a tornado was headed straight for dallas, about 30 mins away. sooooo, we left and went into downtown dallas, parked in the first covered parking garage we could find, then went underground. downtown dallas has this cool underground walkway system for the people that work in the buildings there, complete with a food court and everything. so we got something to eat and waited.......and tornado, dammit!!!! there was a tornado that touched down in the colony, about 30 mins away, ok so then on new years eve I went bowling with my aunts and uncles and little cousin, they bought me beer, it was fun, hehehehehheheeeeeeee. and i think i'm done rambling now:D
haha, exactly!!!!! i changed computers, this one seems to be a little faster, yay! i've gotta go in a few minutes.......gotta go home and listen to the cd i got today, The Forsaken-"Manifest of Hate". i was in fye at the mall listening to cds. i tried deadsy's "commencement", and yes you can smack me for that!! then that evergrey cd which i almost bought, but then i zoomed past the f's and zoomed back, i saw it, listened to it, "ahhh yes, this is the one, fuck that evergrey crap!"
don't get me wrong! i almost bought the evergrey cd! i don't really think it's crap, that was just my first thought when i tried The just "got" me right away........hehehee, shit stripes, uhhh, white stripes