stuck in Phoenix airport. yay!

That's not so bad. They always take my shoes, then take me to an interrogation room, and ask me shitloads of questions.

The most ridiculous thing is, that they didn't even ask for the prescription for some painkillers I had on me. But they went crazy over my bottle of Diesel Green (which does kind of look like a grenade)
Ok... So, Laura and I got stuck in yet ANOTHER airport. Only, we know the outcome of this story.... so OK!

The flight took off from Seattle on time and everything was fine. A Spanish soccer team won a cup and they were on the flight with the cup.. that was cool.


We are about to land in Phoenix with 20 minutes until our connecting flight leaves the airport. We are about 5 feet from the ground... AND THE PLANE STARTS GOING BACK UP! WHAT THE FUCK? We circle the airport and land with 15 minutes remaining. The announcement woman says "We have passengers with tight flight schedules, so if your final stop is Phoenix, please stay seated. Of course all of the fucking people on there were either ignorant white people or non-English speaking non-citizens.... so, we had 10 minutes to catch the flight. we RAN LIKE HELL, and I developed a nice cough. we missed the flight by like TWO MINUTES.

we're here with $20 in free meal coupons and we depart at 12:10pm. jesus god. pics coming soon of weekend in another thread

How was the connection in Colorado, Ohio??? It's such a great city, everyone must visit!

Thanks for the phone call, Laura and Will :kickass:
Can't wait to hear all the stories !

Oh and... At least you did not have to spend a night at the Pheonix Motel! ;)

Eric, Tyler: rememebr how we were talking about the world's most aweful airporrts and we mentioned Pheonix and Ohare?? Well Will and Laura you can check those two off your "to-do-lists" haha! :lol:
Heh. I got home around 2:00am last night, met some weird guy at a Rest Stop who was infatuated with my Jeep.

Felt as if I was going to fall asleep at the wheel, lucky enough one of the rest stops were giving out free coffee and tea. <3

The border guards didn't even ask for my identification. They just asked, "Where are you from?" "Where were you?"

Going INTO the states is fucking ridiculous. Going back into Canada? HA.

I remember going into Canada some odd years ago on a long trip with some friends, and we were at the border, for two hours.
So will... get this...

After you left, I got bored, so I went to my gate, and nothing really cool was there, so I go down to that food court down by the security line. While waiting for my macho breakfast burrito I see this nutty lady trying to get through security, yelling and screaming at security calling them "heathens", etc.

I say to myself "Wow, I'd hate to be the fucker who has to sit next to her".

30 minutes later, I'm on the plane next to this bitch, cursing my words of earlier. And she is RANTING into my ear, in which I was trying to listen to the new Winds. So, right after take off, I request a seat change.

I shit you not, she stands up and starts yelling at me calling me a heathen and that god will strike down this plane just to kill me.

So, the short flight ends and I arrive in portland... Get off the plane, and then all of a sudden I feel a pound against the back of my head. Security comes from the fucking woodwork and tackles her, while she was getting ready to hit me again. I laughed SO FUCKING HARD. They asked me if I could do a quick statement, as they knew I only had about 20 minutes to catch my connection, which I wrote the statement "Crazy bitch... yelled, punched me", and left my contact details with them. They said they'd call tomorrow night and do a follow up.

Barely caught my flight to SLC, and, funny enough, it almost crashed into another plane while landing, when the other plane seemed to suddenly stopped while moving under it. The pilot said it was about 5 feet from getting it's roof torn off by our planes landing gear.

Interesting fucking day.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Excellent.

On a different note: there are few things in the world I detest as much as airports.

Especially those run by useless, lying dagos.