who woulda thought flying would be worse than greyhound...

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
i'm back in maryland, finally! i flew out from dallas and had a connecting flight from houston. alright lets run down the list of crap that happened in houston.

4:00 pm- we were supposed to be on the plane already but they said the plane was too hot on the inside so we waited for them to cool it off. boarded at around 4:15

a long time after that- bad weather hits PART of the airport. they shut down the runways except for a couple that all the planes had to then share, putting so far back in line we'd be in the air in a couple HOURS.

a long time after that- plane runs out of gas from sitting too long. goes back to the gate to refuel.

a long time after that- they're done refueling but now the navigation system on the plane breaks! so we wait for maintenance to fix it.

a long time after that- they fixed the thingy but now the flight crew has gone over the allowed hours for the day! so they LEAVE! and we have to wait for a whole new flight crew!!

a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time after that- in fact, SEVEN HOURS after we were supposed to leave, the new flight crew shows up.

a little bit after that- we couldn't take off because the flight attendants "needed ice."

too long after that- they got their ice and we were off.

ARRIVED AT THE AIRPORT!....and they'd lost one of my bags, which i'm waiting to hear the status on in a little while.:Smug:


but at least there was someone sexy still waiting for me:oops:
omg james wins. new thread + pics coming :headbang:

haha thanks!!! :lol:
i was soooo like that when i got home this morning. and about to be again
...well the camera cord isn't plugged in and i dunno how to do it so it will have to wait. but you rule! :lol: thank you so much :)
they found my bag! wewt! and they're sending it out to the house this evening. :Spin:

i just pooped a whole whole whole WHOLE BUNCH
my plans are to stay put for the rest of the summer :D

yeah after all that crap the next thing i was expecting was for the plane to crash
YAY!! hmm...there's gonna be a *big* horror convention in baltimore next month, i think. maybe while you'll be here :Spin:
well i would fly again...just not continental! ever! last time i flew continental was 13 years ago when my family went to disney world. and they lost all our luggage....IN HOUSTON WTF. lol! unbelieeeevable. no more continental. no more fucking houston.

tempest: yay big bash in baltimore! :headbang: