Studio Anniversary / Sample Give Away 3 snares


Jun 20, 2007

Thought i would give you an update almost 1 year after my studio opened up for business, first band was recorded December 09. I guess many of you guys want to build yourself your own studio, and wonder if it is worth it. It has made a biiiig whole in my pockets, spending almost 40000$ on gear and studio construction. I've been booked about 20weeks out of the whole year, and thats pretty much what i can manage right now duo i have a part time job on the side, so it has been over my expectations :)

First band i recorded in the studio was Scene for Jedi, and it was the first time i recorded a band with real drums. Kind of got a bit lucky with that mix because the results where quite awesome (im still proud of that mix) And that gave me allot of work for the rest of the year (2010 that is).

I know many of you guys have allot of oppinions about peoples mixes and recordings (well daa, it is a audio forum) but what people don't realize that sit at home with Superior drums is that every project has its own problems, no project is smooth from the start to the end, so every project brings you allot of experience which is really awesome.

I've been slowly working up a reputation and i got some really great bands coming in, one is semi-famous (can't reveal it yet) and if everything falls through i think it will be really awesome, but one thing i've learned is that nothing is going to happen before the band is actually in your studio. Bands are really bad at holding there deadlines, canceling in last minute etc. Had my share of that this last year.

Don't know what to say here really, other than it is really fun to produce and record :D And if you want to hear out my mixes you can check out:

And here you have the samples:

All snares are a bit processed in PT, and SSL hardware compression 3-4db GR.

Cheers / Christian
Thank you for the samples and continuous good luck with the studio! Your work is awesome.
Are you planning to go full-time or is it good as it is for you? I guess having some time off from concentrated listening is a good thing sometimes ;)
I learned it last year the hard way too.
Band cancelled one day before studio time starts. Drummer "broke" his foot.
Dont know if it is true or not, didnt here anything from the band after that.
But they didnt record anywhere else.....yeah yeah

but congrats on the studio and I am very happy for you that it is workin out so great.
I really like the character of the Regal Demise snares.

Great job and glad to hear your studio is doing well. Your HellandSo mix kills!!!
Thanks Guys!!! Hope the samples will be used :)

Thank you for the samples and continuous good luck with the studio! Your work is awesome.
Are you planning to go full-time or is it good as it is for you? I guess having some time off from concentrated listening is a good thing sometimes ;)

The plan is most definitely to go full time if I can. But i know what you mean man. I think the ideal working day is 6hours, but 6 very constructive hours.
I wok 8hours a day now, I have tried doing 10hours or so, but the last hours aren't very constructive anyway.

Congrats! You're doing the same kind of direction that I am striving towards as well (and I'm sure many of us are). I think it's healthy to do a variety of things to generate income as well, keeps it more interesting personally IMO!