Studio Diary Part 2

Vincent J.

Dec 3, 2005
Arnhem, The Netherlands
The last cymbal hit of the drum session still ringing in my ear… I have a very good feeling about the whole thing. The playing first and foremost, and the sound is beautiful, the acoustics are ace! Plus we won’t have to listen to nothing but drums 10 hours a day anymore. Daniel should be proud. We haven’t had the time to do anything else as we’re on a pretty tight schedule with this album. We saw some horses the other day and we celebrated David’s birthday with cake, beer and various medications and oh, our new collaborator Frank Default (more known as the creative force behind the previous single’s remixes and ‘Unfurl’ production) came down to help edit some of the drums and made sure we didn’t fall behind schedule. So the time has come to wrap up and get outta here. Feels good to have a few days at home in Stockholm and celebrate midsummer. Next week we’ll move on to rhythm, lead and clean guitars. The foundation of darkness is now rock solid. /Jonas

Well... So basically the drums are done. Good stuff.

Next week with the guitars should be really interesting, provided we get some in depth info on it.
I love the smoothness of it all...they seem to be happy about the progression...I trust in Jonas and well, the whole bloody band for that matter.

And yes..don't mess up your medication!
"new collaborator Frank Default (more known as the creative force behind the previous single’s remixes and ‘Unfurl’ production)"

interesting, more unfurl-ish songs?
Why is drums always the first thing recorded? I'm just curious about the whole recording process. I know that for a lot of bands they have someone play guitar along with the drummer while he listens through some headphones. I know on lamentations Mike was playing for Lopez at times, but I don't know if that was just so he could figure out what to play or what? Cause it didn't seem like he was recording the drums at that particular moment.

So i mean obviously if you record drums first you have to have everything planned exact, so does the drummer just have the song memorized in his head and play to a metronome? and just go from verse to chorus to any bridges or is does he listen through headphones to an already rough guitar track that was also metronomed? Answers?
Well you *could* record guitars and stuff first with a metronome in THEORY but I don't think it would work that well.. drums create the rythm. When the drum track is pretty much flawless the other instruments have a good basis of orientation? dunno.. just guessing here.