Studio Pass: Kurt Ballou - Free 2-day course [Live Streaming Now!]

I love how eyal straight went to drum programming and he actually talks about helping out people to play better...

That's not true, Eyal spent one whole day on drum recording before he started talking about programming. You just can't compare them both as they aim for a totally different end product.

I have to say I enjoyed both lessons (Eyal Levi and Kurt Ballou) very much and I don't understand all the negative comments. It's free and you get a lot of useful information.
Seen both of them ( eyal levi and ballou) and well, different approaches. While Levi's one felt really rushed, this one lacked some beef to it, although I loved the overhead mic technique shootout.
Hope it gets better tomorrow though. I have the feeling that the two trailers they put out are most of the action we'll see but I hope to be wrong.
i meant on the introduction. it was basicly said, its either the drummer cant play or we program.

that being said, the end product they shoot for does make it for both easier to say the things they say, and kurts opinion matters more to me, but i do feel its a problem people are teaching other people to resort to programming instead of going more in depth on how to actually help the person thats paying you to record to perform the best. which is what you should do as a producer.

And no hating on anything i think the whole concept is awesome. I loved this!
Been watching this all today. Unfortunately my stream died when he was talking about duplicating the edited tom tracks and EQing them differently. Any chance anyone watched it and could fill me in?
He high pass the tom track and low pass the mult, then use a longer fade for the mult to keep resonnance natural while supressing most of the cymbal bleed harshness.
He split the tom tracks by duplicating them and putting a lo pass on the one and a hipass on the other. This way he could extend the lo, resonance of the toms without the brutal cymbal bleed.
He split the tom tracks by duplicating them and putting a lo pass on the one and a hipass on the other. This way he could extend the lo, resonance of the toms without the brutal cymbal bleed.

Dude my phone literally froze every single time he was going to follow up on something I was curious to know. "Okay so I have a clip here *CLICK*" and yeah hahaha

I missed most of the drum processing part today. I also missed his thing with the HM-2 alternatives.
He high pass the tom track...

He split the tom tracks...

Thanks both of you. That's actually a really neat idea, I'd never thought of doing that.

I'm really loving that N22 on guitars, it sounds fairly close to how I usually want my guitars sitting post EQ in the mix.

A lot of the stuff he's been talking about are pretty basic, but I've still picked up a few little bits like that tom trick which are useful.

I'll try and post up a few of the pointers I liked after it's done.
Dude my phone literally froze every single time he was going to follow up on something I was curious to know. "Okay so I have a clip here *CLICK*" and yeah hahaha

I missed most of the drum processing part today. I also missed his thing with the HM-2 alternatives.

The HM2 alternative is Enormous Door LHP(left hand path). I don't remember the other one he said though.