Studio Walkthrough vid.

Dude, you skipped right over the Krank, the only one of those amps I had ANY interest in! :cry: And I'm lovin' that red tele on the wall, is that a Kahler on it? Those big CRT monitors in the control room that got flooded are all kinds of hideous, and are those Genelecs in there as well, or HR824's?

Sweet place and vid dude, thanks for postin', and I can't wait to hear how it all sounded! That videoconferencing was badass as well :kickass:
Dude, you skipped right over the Krank, the only one of those amps I had ANY interest in! :cry: And I'm lovin' that red tele on the wall, is that a Kahler on it? Those big CRT monitors in the control room that got flooded are all kinds of hideous, and are those Genelecs in there as well, or HR824's?

Sweet place and vid dude, thanks for postin', and I can't wait to hear how it all sounded! That videoconferencing was badass as well :kickass:

Yeah the room I said got flooded is planned to be redone and they are shifting the current system in control room B over to A and control room B is getting the latest version of PTHD 7 and whatever the PCIe cards are as well as a new intel 8 core mac.

Those are mackies in the fucked up room.

Oh and sorry man, I'm a total tard for not video taping the Rev.
Yeah the treatment thing is a tad weird, but it ends up sounding good out in the live room because the unfinished ceiling basically causes enough diffusion to work (that and the carpet under the kit).

The control room has carpet and there is auralex all over the place, I just suck at getting everything.

That fucked up A room used to have a couch and a bunch of treatment before it got flooded. I don't think they really use it that much at the moment.
Just thinking how much better it would sound with broadband absorbers and basstraps in the control rooms. Auralex really doesn't do anything massive to the sound of the room (except cost a massive amount of money).

Maybe convince the owners to invest a few bucks in a DIY absorbers project (to be carried out by the interns)? Seriously, this is the best investment I have ever made in my life as a musician/producer.
They are planning a move next year so I doubt they are gonna bother with any further room mod (plus all 3 of them are busy as hell, and currently no interns). I'm also pretty sure they are planning a similar design for the control room (when they move) to Eddie Raw Machine's "started my small studio build" thread.

When I was there on a regular basis, I was told their budget was as much as they wanted (their investor is the president of a major medical supplies company, he just happens to also love music a lot so he also owns a live club. He also is a Dr. in the office upstairs). They just don't want to end up paying off a huge loan for the next 50 years :lol:.
Hey, you of all people should know that traps/absorbers isn't all that much of an investment, and if they wanna cut out the hassle and money isn't an issue (doesn't seem to be!), there's always the super-sexy premade Ready Acoustics traps!

Or Primacoustic for the way sexier (but way pricier) option