Dude I'm totally gonna buy the fuck out of your CD when its done.
It would totally work without vocals because the music is so baddass, but if you want any vocal contributions hit me up, I'd love to contribute in any way shape or form to such a baddass project, and I can't play any instruments well enough to be of any use to you, so vox are all I can offer, haha.
I have no idea what kind of vocals you can do and I'm sure they're great but I always prefer to work with people IRL. I think it's such a hassle to do it over the net, especially when I have no written lyrics myself and no determined rhythmic phrasing to follow for the vocals so the vocalist pretty much gets free hands on this. My vocalist is pretty versatile though so I don't think I'll need external help but I really appreciate it man

Thank you so much.
man, your music is great, a gifted guy, no doubt

i'm very interested to hear the final album version
and your kick sound is awesome, can you share some info... what chain and samples used ?
Thanks, warms me up to hear that (good thing, it's quite cold here today!)

I will describe the processing later on when the mixing phase begins but for now, all I can tell you is that it's nothing but the ordinary Comp and EQ but the sample makes a LOT of difference on the kick. As I may have mentioned my kick mic sucks badly so I pretty much rely on a 50/50% blend with a sample. The sample used is Faderhead's Tama Starclassic kicks (there are only 3 samples of it) but I have modified it and made it less rumbly and tried to tighten up the body. Worked quite well. I'll probably make a little tutorial in how to customize your own kick sounds too and show you how I edited that kick to fit me
This is absolutely epic. I must compliment you on your playing and the music you have written.

I must also, however, speak strongly against adding vocals. I feel the music is definitely interesting enough without them (I hadn't even thought of vocals until I read Uladyne's post) but overall, vocals would distract one from the music underneath. Also I find maybe 95+% of potentially good music is ruined by vocals and becomes unlistenable. Partially due the fact (as far as I'm concerned) getting good vocals / acquiring a good vocalist is likely difficult. Taste also then comes into it as one person might prefer a different style of vocals etc. People also seem to complete everything in their project and seemingly react in a way similar to "Oh, what can I add now?" "Vocals!" and they rush to find a vocalist in an almost "any vocalist will do" fashion. (Also seemingly trying out many and picking the best one is rarely good enough.) The result from what I have always heard (in recorded material) has always been terrible.
I suppose I'll also have to mention that this is all my opinion so that an argument doesn't ensue...
Nevertheless, I do recall reading that you want to do this completely on your own and do everything yourself, so perhaps there's hope yet.
Hey man, I hear ya. This is not the first time I hear someone say that and to be honest it does feel a little sad to hear that. From the beginning I knew I wanted to make a complete record with vocals and everything because I want this music to carry out a message to people in the form of my vocalist's awesome lyrics. It was never my intention to make yet another instrumental record but I can totally understand how most of you have become used to my music without any vocals - because up until now there hasn't been any vocals in any clip I've posted (almost)! I don't seem to have been affected by this "getting used to"-factor because I always knew I wanted vocals, but I can really understand you guys have.
All I can say is, I'm not 100% sure if I'll release an instrumental and a vocal version because I feel like that's a bit of a whoring out thing, just to make as many people as possible listen to my music. It just feels wrong but we'll see. With that said though, I do happen to think my vocalist adds to the music rather than subtracts from it so I'm pretty happy with him. He doesn't sound like a "look at me, I can do a long fry scream for 30 seconds with no volume at all"-singer, he pushes and screams his lungs out (without hurting himself I may add), and it really pushes everything forward. I like it, and it fits my vision, I think it'll turn out good.
always look forward to seeing these, great playing erkan!
your voice reminds me of a less american sounding David Schwimmer, Ross from Friends haha
Oooookay, now even my voice is being compared to David Schwimmer. Well, I don't know what to say... "thank you" or "you're so mean!!"?

I guess it's cool to be "compared" to a celebrity. At least it's not some scandalous scrub I'm being "compared" to
Very nice Erkan. Please let me know your address so I can ship you a new keyboard
Haha Kev! Yeah I guess I could use a new keyboard, but I've grown used to that f*cker

It even has a spiral cord, like old telephones you know. It's really retro!