Studio Log Part 3 & 4: Drum overhead micing, clips from drum tracking

I enjoyed the clips a lot. Obviously the kick is replaced, what has been done with the snare/toms?

The kick isn't replaced but blended! Bleeeeended :) But yea, the blended sample is pretty high in volume, about as high as the real kick drum but the real kick drum doesn't really sound awesome on its own due to the kick mic kind of ... well, sucking.

The snare has a sample blended but not nearly as much as the kick. The sample is somewhere between 6 and 8 db lower than the real snare and it's there mainly to provide some nice attack and a little bit of a short sustain. Works wonders and I don't have to compress the real snare so much which means I don't introduce massive amounts of hihat bleed and shit.

The toms are all natural. And regarding the processing, it's nothing out of the ordinary, just EQ and Comp as the bread and butter. More about this will be talked about when the mixing starts so don't worry :)
Thanks for sharing man! Everything sounds great. Curious as to what heads you're using on the drums?
Pinstripe clear heads on the toms, Evans Genera Dry (can't really remember what it's called but it's the one with the drilled holes around the edge for a shorter sustain) on the snare and Powerstroke 3 clear on bass drum (this head is like 5 years old though haha) :)
Learned a lot from the vid, especially the part about more treb. in the rim & more bass in the middle of the tom heads & where to aim the tom mics (part 3 I think...)

Also great OH sound and of course great drumming!