Studio Log Part 6: Bass guitar tracking, some boring talk about strings


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Hey dudes!

Part 6 is up now and it's kind of yet another straight forward "look at me while I play!!!" type of video. It's bass guitar tracking, but also a little bit of a talk about new strings and how important they are for that percussive sound. Hope someone learns something or at least enjoys it, that's all that matters :)

Subscribe if you haven't, enjoy!

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I recall that song near 3:50, when you were searching for ways to achieve a djenty tone, back in my first mixing days.


Keep up the good work mang.
I recall that song near 3:50, when you were searching for ways to achieve a djenty tone, back in my first mixing days.


Keep up the good work mang.

Ah yes, no wonder the riff sounded familiar. I think I still have those files. Lol, feeling kinda nostalgic.

Erkan, this is some real good shit you got going there dude. Keep up the good work! Loving that bass tone of yours :kickass:
As always, thanks a ton guys! I'm really looking forward to tracking the rest of the vocals with Gustaf and finally getting into editing and mixing.

Sounds cool dude! Whats the chain for the bass there? Sounds pretty gnarly

Another awesome video dude! Couldnt agree more on the strings. What are you using to acheive your bass tone on this? It has a pretty cool grind.

The bass tone is split up in 2 tracks, one "clean" and one distorted. I'm not 100% sure right now about exactly what's on the tracks but it's WarpVST working its juicy juice on the distortion at least. The clean/DI track has AmpegSVX for some coloring. Both tracks are bussed together and compressed further. I don't keep all the details for everything in my head so I'm sorry for not being able to give an elaborate answer right now but as I've said: subscribe and stay tuned! I will take you through each track and explain what's going on :) All in due time.
Hey mate, your videos are :OMG:
I find them very useful, and I´m very excited for the upcoming Studiolog: THE MIX!!
But, in other order of things, I´d like to ask you about your LTD, cause I have the chance to pick it up brand new for 400 bucks, and I´d want to know if it´s a good piece of gear for the price. I will have to replace the standar pickups for some Seymour or EMG, what do you think???
Hey mate, your videos are :OMG:
I find them very useful, and I´m very excited for the upcoming Studiolog: THE MIX!!
But, in other order of things, I´d like to ask you about your LTD, cause I have the chance to pick it up brand new for 400 bucks, and I´d want to know if it´s a good piece of gear for the price. I will have to replace the standar pickups for some Seymour or EMG, what do you think???

Thanks man, nice to hear that :) I'm also looking forward to advancing with the videos!

The guitar is totally alright and I love its simplicity. No fancy floyd crap on it, just a really simple tuneomatic string through design. It's a lot of guitar for the money without any bloat. I'm thinking of selling mine after summer though, I feel the need for something with a longer neck :) And yeah, you probably should replace the stock pickups with something else :) I've got the 81 in the bridge now but I think I'll try a passive pickup after summer.
I feel the need for something with a longer neck
Longer than 25,5 scale??A baritone?? I can get mine brand new for 400 bucks, that´s a pretty good price I guess...
If you let me recommend you something: I have like 8 guitars, ESP, Dean Razorback, Jackson....and a custom made from handbuilt in poland. To be honest, is the best money i´ve invested, totally incredible, neck thru, seymour duncan pickups, schaller floyd (much better than original) and so on, following my directions, for only 1300 €, only 200 more than my razorback...and comparing them...the dean is only crap. Well that´s my advice, for you and all that read it!!Cheers