Studio Log Part 7: Tracking some vocals (more will come in Part 8 .. hopefully)

Thanks guys, you're the water that keeps my boat floating :) Err, or something in those lines. :)

is that vampolka in the background? :p

Haha yes it is my good sir Kev! I don't know why I edited it that way but it sure is fun to watch. I love all the little quirks about Gustaf, he's such a cool little dude and his voice is pretty huge for a not so big guy :)
Vocalists with dreads = uber awesome , thats not just because my vocalist has dreads too! :P

Digging his vocal style and liking the idea of spoken parts man! Get experimental!!!
Hey Erkan...I forgot to ask you:
How do you manage latency while you´re recording?, as I heard the mix and vocals with fx and stuff, do you bounce the mix and record vocals over it?? How could you deal with so much fx without having latency issues???Thanks mate
PD: Which brand is the mike??
Hey Erkan...I forgot to ask you:
How do you manage latency while you´re recording?, as I heard the mix and vocals with fx and stuff, do you bounce the mix and record vocals over it?? How could you deal with so much fx without having latency issues???Thanks mate
PD: Which brand is the mike??


I just run my Profire 2626 at lowest buffer (64 samples) and my Intel Q9550 handles the rest :) That gives me a latency of about 6ms in total. I think I did bounce some tracks though just to take some load off of the CPU - I really didn't want to risk any dropouts (not that I've ever had any with this setup).

I do have thoughts of getting an RME Fireface 800 this autumn though.... mmmm...
Yeah dudes! There has been very little time over throughout summer since I have had to work like a dog to make some money at an under-paid job. I'm basically forced to work 7 days a week to ensure that I can cover up my expenses after summer (buying new screens for my studio computer, buying a pair of Adam A7 monitors, new TV, new phone... the list goes on). So it's going a bit slowly now but in 3 weeks or so the summer job will calm down and I'll be spewing out those videos :)

I'm also moving my studio home into my basement and I'll make a bonus video to talk about that and also let you see how I plan to build some sound absorbers :) The only bad thing is that I can't move the drums with me so I think I'll start programming drums in the future or move my computer to my rehearsal room when it's time to record drums for my next project.