study: done on drinkers

Dead_Lioness said:
I enjoy my good alcohol, but everything with good timing and never to the point when I'm shit faced.

See, that's what I hate about the people I know...they do it with the sole purpose of getting shitfaced.. So irritating!
NinjaKitten said:
I quite like alcohol. It seems everything we do somehow causes cancer or something or is in some way killing us, so we might as well enjoy it.
Your right Ninja

Alllllright Ninja
I hope we will have a drink one day. And cure cancer

NinjaKitten said:
I quite like alcohol. It seems everything we do somehow causes cancer or something or is in some way killing us, so we might as well enjoy it.

I think that's because of the level of abuse people have for those things. When people drink every night or smoke 10 cigarettes a day, it's going to have consequences. Same thing if I drank a liter of soda on a daily basis, or gorged myself with chocolate. Nothing is really good when used too much.. but why stop at alcohol? Let's go ahead and give kids guns and stuff. Sure, some people will die.. but they were going to die anyway right..? :p
Words can have multiple meanings. I regularly hear teenagers misusing the word "sick" and giving it their own meaning. How is me misusing the word "intelligible" any different?
because it has not become common in our language.

in·tel·li·gi·ble Audio pronunciation of "intelligible" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-tl-j-bl)

1. Capable of being understood: an intelligible set of directions.
2. Capable of being apprehended by the intellect alone.
I try and develop new word fashions even if incorrect. Is it correct that men should wear womens clothes? yet people over the years have tried to introduce men wearing womens clothes as a fashion.
Profanity said:
Alcohol is a sedative (depressant)
it's not meant to make you merry.

maybe you should try it, and get a life instead of spending twenty hours a day on this forum.

Get a life man.

I did a study - this very evening in fact.

Drinking Stella Artios in copious amounts is GREAT FUN. Especially when you've got TGE blasting in your ears on headphones..

Each to the own I say..

Life's fucking shit enough - be happy - do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

I drink, I smoke, I partake in odd other 'recreational activity' or two' but it'd my life, my choice and I'm hurting no-one. I believe when it's your time to go it's your time to go - fuck it, have fun on the way..
Profanity said:
Alcohol is a sedative (depressant)
it's not meant to make you merry.

You're right...alcohol is classed as a sedative hypnotic but the term depressant means that it essentially inhibits your neurons. Which is why you lose judgement and interferes with impulse control.

It may or may not make you "depressed". Psychological effects are unpredictable and are largely determined by the person, expectations and the setting.

Alcohol can also cause euphoria, but this is often short term.

Just to clear that up :)

I have nothing against alcohol in moderation and I also drink socially.
Scarlet_Malice said:
You're right...alcohol is classed as a sedative hypnotic but the term depressant means that it essentially inhibits your neurons. Which is why you lose judgement and interferes with impulse control.

It may or may not make you "depressed". Psychological effects are unpredictable and are largely determined by the person, expectations and the setting.

Alcohol can also cause euphoria, but this is often short term.

Just to clear that up :)

I have nothing against alcohol in moderation and I also drink socially.

I have nothing against alcohol in excess and I drink socially, and privately!!
Scarlet_Malice said:
Just make sure to pass out on your side, and not on your back! :Puke:

Oh I never pass out I'm not that bad!! Thanks for your concern though!

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