Stuff from LotFP: The Shameless reject pile

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

Work is being done at a steady pace to complete The Shameless (mostly by Dave and Andreas these past few weeks!)... but with only 28 pages of text to work with, some of the ideas just won't fit. When all the writing's done, I'll see if any reviews need to be thrown out (and those will be posted on the website), but there is stuff I know that won't make it in right now.

At the bottom of all the pages of reviews, I was going to have quotes. Some I made myself that I couldn't figure out how to attach to anything in particular, some which were made by other people and that I found interesting. Some serious, some goofy. There just isn't room to have one at the bottom of every page. So, I will just keep an important few. Here's the reject pile:

  • "You know rehearsal, if you make the most of it, and you practice hard, and you do your scales and you make an effort to be good, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck on Metal Blade." – United States Senator John Kerry
  • Have you ever read the lyrics to Helloween’s Future World and Iron Savior’s Brave New World back-to-back and thought they were talking about the same place?
  • “Being in a street team is like a ‘lifestyle’” –
  • “You used to just tell bands that they sucked. Now you tell bands that they suck but cover it in cotton and flowers and use big words so the foreign bands don’t know that you are telling them that they suck.” – Susanna Raggi
  • “PUNKY BRÜSTER: COOKED ON PHONICS: Comedy concept record about a metal band that goes punk to make money” – merchandise description. My, how the tables have turned.
  • “As far as I know, there is no satanism or cults involved with Black Metal.” – Joseph Prabagar (Demonzend Records)
  • “Do you honestly believe that Lamb of God will be around in 10 years, still making music? Would they even want to be? Could anyone play that type of music for that length of time, besides Deicide?” – Derric S. Miller (
  • Have you noticed that unsigned bands with no sense of self-reliance don’t release demos anymore, but they do have a new promo CD coming out next week?
  • Have you noticed that every single time you hear about a boat sinking and large numbers of people dying, it’s a Swedish ferry? Have you also noticed that there are a lot of Swedish metal festivals on boats lately?
  • Dumb: I have created a MySpace page for my cat. Dumber: A bunch of heavy metal bands are trying to add my cat as a friend.
The real Kerry quote, which was a big to-do in the States a few months ago:

"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."