Stupid daylight savings


Apr 14, 2001
Ok, im about to win the award for the most off topic post ever (though surely id be winning the award off myself considering some of the crap I come out with), but I have to say, does anyone else here hate daylight savings as well?
What kind of mad world do we live in where you can change time on a whim? Its not right, and im sure mother nature is as upset about it as I am. havent people seen movies about time travel? Its ALWAYS bad news fiddling with time.

As if the days arent hot enough in summer, some idiot decides to extend it so we get more hours of blazing stinky hot sun while we are awake. Why dont we just move to the goddamn sun and get it over with? We would have to fly there at night though obviously, to avoid getting burnt.

Am I alone in this way of thinking?
I like daylight savings. Being able to go to work in the light, and comming home in the light, and still having some light left over, is better than going to work in the cold and dark, comming home in the cold and dark, and then going straight to bed.

At least it would be if I actually had work to go to. At the moment it doesn't really worry me.

I think we should be on this time all the time. Bugger Eastern Standard Time.

So if you don't like it, move to Queensland. See, thats what happens if you don't fiddle with time. They're still stuck in about 1976 :loco:

And if you make it an election issue, this is one vote that you've lost.
I was just getting used to getting up at 6am, in daylight! It was cool.

Now I can't even go to bed before 9:30pm.:mad:
Phloggy: Have you seen that episode of seinfeld where Kramer puts his clock forward an hour because he wants daylight savings to start early? God that was funny. You should do that to :D
As for being stuck in 1976, well thats no good, if i go there I cease to exist because I wasnt born until 1978 so it would create a paradox and I would be plucked from this dimension and shoved unceremoniously into oblivion. Then again, they didnt have that problem in back to the future, so maybe im wrong.

Sydo: I know, its too wierd getting up in the dark again, I dont mind it though, at that time of the morning ww3 could be going on outside and I wouldnt notice, I need a half hour to wake up properly!

Heres a quote from blind guardian. "Time what is time? I wish I knew how to tell you why it hurts to say, arent we machines?"
I think theres something in it for all of us. Those crazy europeans.
Whats so bad about daylight savings????

I want it damn it! Stupid queensland! Stupid bloody cows! Like they have little watches on their legs and say ohhh look its only 5am..but really thats 4am and I aint gonna let some farmer tug on my udder that early! BAH!!!!

Its good having a bit more daylight hours to do stuff in :)
Originally posted by Icarus
Whats so bad about daylight savings????

I want it damn it! Stupid queensland! Stupid bloody cows! Like they have little watches on their legs and say ohhh look its only 5am..but really thats 4am and I aint gonna let some farmer tug on my udder that early! BAH!!!!

:lol: :lol: Thats udderly ridiculous :D
Originally posted by phlogiston
Oh God, now we've got them started they're gonna milk this cow thing for all it's worth. (heh).
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thats a good one :D It wasnt even really that sarcastic, are you going soft phloggy?? :D

Its all getting a bit cheesy now anyway. The cream of the jokes have already been made. I wont be buttering up anyone to make any more, thats for sure.
I'd even go so far as to say it's an udder waste of time, which it is (literally!)

I hate daylight saving with a passion, so much so that I refuse to adjust my watch or any of my clocks. Daylight's nothing wonderful anyway, so why do we need more of it?

It makes summer days longer, hotter and more unbearable than they are already, so I hereby second Mark's statement :).