stupid joke of the day...


czarica i pijana
Nov 5, 2005
california, usa
just as this thread implies, feel free to put some jokes on here
any kind are welcome..lets see what you can come up with hehe

so a guy goes into a cannibal restaurant and asks to look at the menu. he sees that the white guy, asian, middle eastern, and the hispanic guy are all $2, but the black guy was $20. so the guy asks the waiter, "excuse me, but why are all the other guys only $2, while the black guy is $20? why is he so expensive?" the waiter replied, "ever tried to clean one?"
:lol:That one reminded know. Most elevators in the world show something like 'maximum load: 800kg or 12 people'
In nigeria, it's like 'maximum load: 800 people or 12 kg'