Stupid People


Oct 9, 2005
Bakersfield, California
What is up with some people that think that Testament are a rip-off of Metallica? Testament is such a better band than Metallica, it isn't even funny. To me there is really no comparison other than they are both thrash bands from the 80's.
No offence to metallica fans i think they are crap....they make me break out in a rash...okay their not that bad but their still crap!Every band these days seems to sound like metallica I mean its okay to have influences but copying is just boring and just s**t!Why dont these people make it easier and just try and be more creative bout what they are sayin'!!!!!

Oh and TESTAMENT are well better than metallica cos I said so!!!!
etlgfx said:
fuck all you metallica haters

Sorry, but I think you're outvoted on this one...

Testament never sold out to the mainstream to gain a larger fanbase, they have survived multiple assassination attempts in the Metal Scene, multiple line-up changes & continue to write & play more uncompromising & relevant music with each release. I saw them perform recently & their live show is even more tight & intense than it ever was in the past... you know why??? Testament care more about their fans & the music they write & perform, than care if their tours are sponsored by 'Gillette' or having a panic attack if they're not photographed whilst wearing Calvin Klein underwear...

Myturdlicker, are nothing but a Thin Lizzy / Shania Twain / Oasis cover band now. Sure, their past WAS once glorious - but what does it mean now that they've sold both themselves & their fans out??? (I believe it totally invalidates their past & exposes it as a complete lie). The fact they've sold out and are now a company (Frantic Inc.), which is NOT owned by the band - they are now Puppets playing to a different Master... oh the irony...:lol:

Have a look at their past concert contract & backstage tour-rider demands here for further proof if you don't believe me... their band name is listed under 'Arena Rock'

Read and weep, baby...:cry: :lol:
megadeth#1 said:
and testament were out beforemetallica they were the originla bay area thrashers

Not taking anything away from Testament but Exodus was the first. They formed in 1980. Most thrash bands formed around 81, 82, and 83.
alright look, these conversations are completely pointless but here goes:

- you don't like the fact that a band has become hugely successful by making good music

- you don't like the fact that a band changes and evolves over time

- you can't appreciate the fact that a band puts a huge amount of money, time, and effort into their live shows

Fine stop bitching about it. Metallica have a lot of money yes, they also spend a lot of money trying to put on a huge stage show for their fans. Every concert they plan time to be able to meet a bunch of fans personally. They play 2 1/2 hour sets including material from all 25 years of Metallica.

You don't like it? Fine stop bitching about it.

I love bay area thrash at least as much as most of you here, and have been to more concerts than a bunch of you, I've seen exodus, testament, death angel, etc. many times, and will keep seeing them because they all kick ass. Vio-lence, Forbidden, Slayer, Megadeth, Annihilator, Anthrax... all awesome bands. Thrash is however not the only type of music I love.

Also, testament has changed a lot over the years too, the gathering sound nothing like the new order. The old shit was awesome, but change is good. Alex wanted out of Testament back in the day because he wanted more out of music.

Anyway, have fun whining about how hard it is for you to deal with a band that doesn't make re-master of puppets every time they go into the studio.

I love Metallica.
I also love Testament.. and many other bands.

That's it
etlgfx said:
alright look, these conversations are completely pointless but here goes:

- you don't like the fact that a band has become hugely successful by making good music

That's debatable. I'd say they ceased making good music under the band name with the Load (of shit) album. Also, there's varying degrees of success... The only reason for their 'financial success' was because they ceased to Piss in the Mainstream in order to sell-out & 'become part of it' for the almighty dollar. I hardly think that dumbing down their music was a success in the fans eyes who had followed them since their inception. They left in their droves due to the betrayal felt when Load was released. There's only a few delusional old fans left (among the masses of braindead MTV kids that now follow the band) who think that by offering them a sympathy vote & continuing to remain loyal to them, that the band will miraculously 'return to form' with the next album. :lol: It ain't gonna happen... deep down they know it to be true. That band turned their back on their fans & completely invalidated their past & making it a complete lie, by exposing themselves for what they truly are...

In all honesty, most bands who record music and tour in support of their work ARE successful (not necessarily financially, but personally & emotionally as they're acheiving their dreams & ambitions - THAT is what matters). Testament, understand the concept of INTEGRITY, which is why they have never thrown in the towel to corporate sponsorship of their tours, or dumbed down their music to suck corporate cock like those other bums...

- you don't like the fact that a band changes and evolves over time

Don't I?!?! It's nice of you to try and second guess my motives. I listen to music as inherently gay as White Lion & Motley Crue, straight through the Rock & Metal spectrum to total white noise & Grind bands like Pig Destroyer & Nasum. I can handle pretty much any music inbetween. I still listen to plenty of bands who have evolved musically over time, I've been in and around this scene for many years, so I've had plenty of time to adapt to its many idosyncracies.

- you can't appreciate the fact that a band puts a huge amount of money, time, and effort into their live shows

I dare say I smell shite...

Given the fact that Testament & a stack of the underground bands I listen to HAVE little to NO money to tour with - It makes my fucking LIFE when they make it over here on tour!!! The smaller underground bands don't have an unlimited supply of cash & most if not all of their tours are financed straight out their OWN pockets with very minimial to no help from their record labels. They basically tour on nothing but pocket lint & the generosity of fans they meet on the road who give them a floor to crash out on each night after the show & whatever scraps of food they get from the promoters - which is usually NOT an option most nights.

To the smaller bands - it IS a huge amount of money they spend on tour, considering the little finances thay have & that they have to finance the tours themselves. When a band goes through all this hardship & deprivation to come over to my town to play a show for my friends & I - If THAT ain't putting money, time & effort into it, I don't know WHAT the fuck IS!!! The lack of money doesn't stop these bands from bringing their music to the masses, but they put what little finances they have together in order to live on the edge of a razor for their fans. Integrity... Pride... Honor... Respect...

Fine stop bitching about it.

I'm not bitching about it... far from it!!! I couldn't give a fuck either way for other peoples delusions - Besides, wasn't it the band who were bitching about it with their little pre-menstrual therapy sessions??? It just goes to show that all that money can't buy them happiness, :lol:

Metallica have a lot of money yes, they also spend a lot of money trying to put on a huge stage show for their fans.

Most bands put on the best show they can for their fans, regardless of the money. Do you think you HAVE to have money to do this??? Sometimes, less IS more anyway. Think about it... would you rather see a band who get on stage with just a wall of Marshall Stacks & play their music like fucking demons & totally lay down the law, or do you prefer a band who try to delude you by hiding their their lack of talent behind a shroud of cheap firework displays, ticker tape & stage gimmickery? I know which one I'd choose...

Every concert they plan time to be able to meet a bunch of fans personally.

Yes... once again, FOR A PRICE!!! You have to shell out first to be a member of their fan club, after which you get a heads up on the $500 Platinum Pass rip-off of the century. Pay for the privilege of meeting your favourite gold digging band? How grotesque...

Ronnie James Dio, for example - This guy IS the King of Rock & Roll - His career in Metal is long & varied enough (three times as long as one band I could mention) to give him the excuse to have an ego the size of the fucking Grand Canyon. Do you know how much it costs to meet Dio? Yup, you've guessed it... ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL!!! Ronnie James Dio is one of the most humble musicians you could ever meet, genuinely appreciative of his fans & he didn't even bat an eyelid when I handed him his FULL back catalogue to sign. He even told his own tour manager to fuck off when he verbally protested at the amount of stuff I handed him to sign! THAT is respect!

It also costs fuck all to meet Testament as well, funnily enough...

They play 2 1/2 hour sets including material from all 25 years of Metallica.

I've seen Zakk Wylde play a 2 & 3/4 hour set on just a 75 minute Pride & Glory album worth of material. I've also witnessed a 4 hour Dream Theater set. Your point is caller?

You don't like it? Fine stop bitching about it.

Yeah, I don't like the fact that I followed that band since their inception only for them to stab me in the fucking spine.

Here's a twist... I've followed Testament since their inception as well, but funnily enough - I still LOVE Testament today with every bit of passion that I did back in the day... go figure!

I ain't bitching... merely announcing my displeasure at a band who betrayed ALL their fans for a quick buck...

I love bay area thrash at least as much as most of you here, and have been to more concerts than a bunch of you, I've seen exodus, testament, death angel, etc. many times, and will keep seeing them because they all kick ass. Vio-lence, Forbidden, Slayer, Megadeth, Annihilator, Anthrax... all awesome bands. Thrash is however not the only type of music I love.


Also, testament has changed a lot over the years too, the gathering sound nothing like the new order. The old shit was awesome, but change is good. Alex wanted out of Testament back in the day because he wanted more out of music.

There is change & there is 'change'. I believe that instead of callously betraying their fans, throughout the years Testament have retained the very essence of what makes them so killer. The changes they made were only to enhance their own vibe as the very definition of the unique music they create. Again I reiterate... Testament have NEVER sold-out themselves, their music or their fans.

Anyway, have fun whining about how hard it is for you to deal with a band that doesn't make re-master of puppets every time they go into the studio.

Please refer to my previous paragraph. It isn't necessary for a band to make the exact same album every time. However, Testament have managed quite easily to progress their sound over the years without any apparent problems - As you freely admitted yourself 2 paragraphs ago...

I love Metallica.

Good for you! I hope you're both very happy together in your delusions...

I also love Testament.. and many other bands.

Finally, something we both agree on.:headbang:

That's it

Is it?
Jesus dude, did you have to write a book?

Fact.. Testament have been playing kick ass music that you can beat your freinds to for as long as they been together
Fact.. Metallica decided in 1990 that they wanted to make alot of money off of albulm sales by playing blues based Grunge and continued to play many songs off their first four albums when they went out on tour.

Metallica doesnt suck... they are quite good at what they do, but their integrity is questionable.
Hawng said:
Jesus dude, did you have to write a book?

Sorry to bore you... it's just some people need the shit explaining to them in detail and wrapped in a little red bow

Metallica doesnt suck... they are quite good at what they do, but their integrity is questionable.

I know many people who would disagree, including myself. Of course they're good at what they do. What they do, is betray their fanbase by selling-out to the corporate mainstream & I have to say, when it comes to sucking a golf ball through a 40ft corporate cock garden hose... that band can do it like no other - truly ahead of their game in that respect...

I'd like to wind this up by quoting the profound & astute observation of the Black Metal Legend that is Cronos from Venom,

"Metallica should take the word Metal out their name... and just be known as 'Lica!".:worship:
Alright Mr. Fight Club, first of all my post wasn't aimed at you personally, just people who keep whining about how much they hate Metallica.

My main gripe with all this is that you assume that you know anything about Metallica - as people. You talk about their integrity like you know them personally. I'm not argue about that, but my point is, you don't know jack about it, so you shouldn't argue about that either.

The other problem is:
You loved Metallica back in the day, they decided to try and write some different music, which insulted you somehow. Because you bought their CDs you think you deserve to have control over what type of music they create. And don't try to tell me this isn't what you're saying, because that's exactly what got you all bitter about Metallica in the first place.
I happen to love all of their albums, I'm not telling you you're supposed to feel the same way by any means, I'm just saying it's still good music to many people.

My remark about having money to put on a huge stage show was to point out that they do use the money they make and invest it back into their fans. I'm not saying at all that I think a show required pyro and video screens and shit, I personally prefer shows like the Death Angel and Exodus shows I saw a while back, only 100-200 people, band hanging with the crowd before & after the show... awesome!

The meeting bands for free thing: Yes, it's awesome when bands are that way, but it's just not realistic for bands like Metallica, shows with 50.000 crazed fans? You try saying hi to 50.000 fans and then getting back to the stage to perform.

[qoute]Given the fact that Testament & a stack of the underground bands I listen to HAVE little to NO money to tour with - It makes my fucking LIFE when they make it over here on tour!!![/quote]
same here man!

I've seen Zakk Wylde play a 2 & 3/4 hour set on just a 75 minute Pride & Glory album worth of material. I've also witnessed a 4 hour Dream Theater set. Your point is caller?
Just saying, they put on a kick ass show. I'm not saying they're the only ones who do so, but like many artists you get your money's worth etc. And don't start about "What are metallica tickets more expensive than dream theater tickets?" Because that's just business.

Yeah, I don't like the fact that I followed that band since their inception only for them to stab me in the fucking spine.
Why do you take it so personally? Just don't listen to the CDs you don't like.... ???

Testament have NEVER sold-out themselves, their music or their fans.
As far as I'm concerned neither have Metallica. It's all in your definition of 'selling-out'. As far as I'm concerned, if you're doing what you want, instead of what someone is telling you, you're not selling out.
And don't call me delusional, it's just an opinion. You don't define what is real and what's not, neither do I.
Finally, something we both agree on.:headbang:

hahaha apparently not :p

are we going to agree to disagree now?
etlgfx said:
Alright Mr. Fight Club, first of all my post wasn't aimed at you personally, just people who keep whining about how much they hate Metallica.

I didn't take it personally, I'm just passionate about what I believe in & I like to vent when I can... it saves me from actually killing people...

My main gripe with all this is that you assume that you know anything about Metallica - as people. You talk about their integrity like you know them personally. I'm not argue about that, but my point is, you don't know jack about it, so you shouldn't argue about that either.

You don't have to know a band personally to see the truth & with this band, the truth is as blatant as it gets (at least it is to me anyway). Unfortunately, some people trying as the may, just can't or don't want to see what's staring them directly in the eyes...

The other problem is:
You loved Metallica back in the day, they decided to try and write some different music, which insulted you somehow. Because you bought their CDs you think you deserve to have control over what type of music they create. And don't try to tell me this isn't what you're saying, because that's exactly what got you all bitter about Metallica in the first place.
I happen to love all of their albums, I'm not telling you you're supposed to feel the same way by any means, I'm just saying it's still good music to many people.

OK, I'll admit the fact they changed their music style (drastically overnight I might add), did piss me off, but not for the reasons you may think. I don't have a problem with the fact they HAVE changed their music style (every band evolves), just at the fact they decided to promote it under THAT particular band name!

If the band want to pack fudge with a more corporate & lame sound, by all means they have EVERY right to do so. I just think it was very ill judged to completely destroy their past legacy in the process. Perhaps if they took the Devin Townsend approach it wouldn't be so bad. Devin loves to be versatile with his music & he understands that not everyone who loves Strapping Young Lad will love his more ghayer solo stuff & vice versa. Therefore, he keeps them seperate so the fans of his work know exactly what to expect. This way he maintains his musical & artistic integrity & keeps fans of either or both his music styles happy. If that band had maybe done Load under a different band name, it may have saved all this bitterness & maybe then I may be able to agree that it's still musically ok, but I'd know it wasn't their former band & I may be able to stomach the drastic change in musical direction more easily as at least their former legacy was still intact...

This is exactly why Eric Peterson chose to explore his Black Metal passions with Dragonlord... How long do you think the fans of Testament would stick around if Chuck Billy & Co. were to start wearing corpse-paint on stage & fucking around with their music?

My remark about having money to put on a huge stage show was to point out that they do use the money they make and invest it back into their fans. I'm not saying at all that I think a show required pyro and video screens and shit, I personally prefer shows like the Death Angel and Exodus shows I saw a while back, only 100-200 people, band hanging with the crowd before & after the show... awesome!

Yup, as the old business adage goes... you have to speculate to accumulate! They have a very astute management team behind the whoring of their product brand name, that I do agree. Although, the band are so far removed from what they used to be that they've just gave their souls to the corporation & all it's indulgencies. Champagne, Caviar, Calvin Klein underwear, Gillette Tour Sponsorships, Hard Drugs & Alcohol spoon-fed to them by the agents paid by their management to keep them drunk so they don't think for themselves & actually rebel against their management whipping off their pants, bending them over, slapping lube up their asses & placing a huge flashing Neon Sign next to them saying, "Come and get it, Sailors of the Network charts!!!"

The meeting bands for free thing: Yes, it's awesome when bands are that way, but it's just not realistic for bands like Metallica, shows with 50.000 crazed fans? You try saying hi to 50.000 fans and then getting back to the stage to perform.

50,000 people does not constitute every gig for that band. That is an attendance figure for an outdoor festival capacity like Wacken Open Air was this year. In which case, there's a shitload of other bands there that would take the attention away from them.

The show where I met Dio, it was attended by approx 8000 people (sure it may pale in comparison to the festival sized crowd) however, due to it being a smaller more intimate club show this is only to be expected. Practically the whole audience was waiting backstage for RJD to come out after the show. He didn't shy away from it in the slightest. He told his roadcrew to bring us all inside the venue 12 at a time & he stood there, asking your name, personalising every autograph, posed for photos & actually encouraged you to ask him questions & insisted on taking his time answering them until he felt happy you got what you came for. He must have been there for about 4 hours after the show that night, because my friends & I were practically metaphorically speaking 'The Last In Line'. He puts many self-professed rock stars to shame...

Just saying, they put on a kick ass show. I'm not saying they're the only ones who do so, but like many artists you get your money's worth etc. And don't start about "What are metallica tickets more expensive than dream theater tickets?" Because that's just business.

Of course it's just business, however Dream Theater (or Mike Portnoy to be precise) have control over most of their own business affairs (as they refuse to sell it to become, Metropolis Inc.) & actually care enough about their fans to NOT rip them off. When you pay for a Dream Theater ticket, you are guaranteed a 4 piss quality performance. When you go to their merch stall you get quality Fruit Of The Loom, Haynes or Screen Stars t-shirts which are only half the price of the gig ticket. When you go to a Frantic Inc. show, you're lucky if you're wallet escapes alive after paying for a similar quality t-shirt at twice the price of their double-priced gig ticket.

Why do you take it so personally? Just don't listen to the CDs you don't like.... ???

It's my personal choice to do so. I sold my entire collection of that band when Load was released because I believe they betrayed me & the rest of their fans. Sure, some fans couldn't care less at the time & were willing to bend over and take it royally, but I personally couldn't live with the hypocrisy or anal stigmata. I no longer own their CD's because their past has been proven to me to be a complete lie. I don't listen to that band anymore... therefore, Tyler = Happy. However, I still like to vent as always in the hope that I can convince some people to face the truth. It does happen occasionally... and for me, it makes it all worth while...

As far as I'm concerned neither have Metallica. It's all in your definition of 'selling-out'. As far as I'm concerned, if you're doing what you want, instead of what someone is telling you, you're not selling out.
And don't call me delusional, it's just an opinion. You don't define what is real and what's not, neither do I.

They're not doing what they want though... they're bowing down to the demands of their record company who have bought over their band & renamed it, Frantic Inc. They are being controlled to contrive pop hits, under the black cloud of knowing that if they disagree - the management can fire the whole fucking lot of them & get Robb Flynn & Co. to take their place under 'their' band name. Frantic Inc. is a business, and if the management choose to make personnel changes for the good of the business - there's absolutely fuck all Jaymz & Co. can do about it...

are we going to agree to disagree now?

I never sit on the fence...

messiah of metal said:
Come on Ladies and Gents this is a Testament forum lets not bring the M word in here. I agree with a lot of what Tyler says but lets leave the Metallica bashing to the other sites. Anyone for Tea?

I do apologize sir, I've tried to keep the mentioning of their dreaded monicker to a severe minimum. However, this forum is kind of dead & if we don't all talk about something soon, there's a chance we may all end up going postal!!!

Anyways, I'll have milk with no sugar, please...:)