Stupid people

It's from a blog called "overheard" where you get to send in funny or stooooooopid things that you overhear out on the town. Some are so fucking funny, and the stupidity of this one just seemed to suit the topic. It doesn't translate well into English, though...

Chick, 18, in line to order at McDonalds. Dude, 20, takes the order.
Chick: Hi I'd like a Big Mac & co with a Diet Coke and a garlic dick!
Dude: Excuse me?
Chick (articulating slowly):Big Mac & co and garlic dick!
Dude: I'm sorry, but we don't have any garlic cocks in stock at the moment.
Chick (very red in the face): DIP! I MEAN DIP!

See, it's not as funny when you translate it, and it is maybe not as funny taken out of context from The Land of Lagom, where pretty much all people that age know what the English word dick means...
Pagan, from
(Tjej ~18 står i kön till McDonalds för att beställa. Kille ~20 tar emot beställningen.)
Tjejen: Hej jag ska ha en Big Mac & co med Cola light och en garlic dick!
Kille: Ursäkta?
Tjej (överartikulerar): Big Mac & co med garlic dick!
Killen (iskallt): Jag är ledsen, vi har inga vitlökssnoppar inne.
Tjejen (väldigt röd i ansiktet): DIPP! JAG MENAR DIPP!
(Skyltarna har visat "Mörby Centrum 1 min" en lång stund).
Ett litet barn: Pappa, det har stått en minut på skylten JÄTTELÄNGE, men det kommer inget tåg?!
Pappan (hukar sig ner till barnets huvud och säger med sagoberättarröst): Du förstår, det där är ingen vanlig minut, det är en SL-minut, och den kan vara huuur lång som helst...
Barnet: Jahaa... Ok!


I wont translate it as someone not from Sweden won't get it, not without all the humour gone anyway.
Alright, so I picked up the double CD version of With Oden On Our Side today, and, well, whoever uploaded the track titles to CDDB is a frigging idiot.

  • With Odin On Our Side Disk 1
  • Valdall Awaits One
  • With Open On Our Side
  • Prediction of Warefare

OK, so the first one might just be me being a picky fuck. But, for fuck's sake, it's written right on the fucking CD!

... Alright, so today was just a shit day at work, and this was one thing too many that bugged me. I don't even know why it pissed me off so much. But, fuck, literacy, it's a wonderful thing.

And, yeah, I am kinda new when it comes to AA, so forgive me for not getting it earlier. 'Under the Northern Star' is insanely awesome.

And then I realize I typoed the titles when I renamed them. Oh well, never claimed I wasn't an idiot myself. Still, it seemed like a good excuse to blow off some aggravation. :)

can you explain tome what happened ?