Stupid Protools question (editing to a grid)

Sep 20, 2005
I haven't been able to figure out how to edit in the grid view, but without snapping to the grid, (I'm trying to align some drum hits that are off the grid and put them on) but I can't figure out how to do this. :erk:

I'm not on my recording computer but I'm 95% sure you just have to hold shift while moving a region. It's one of those things that I just automatically do without thinking about how to do it, but when someone asks about it, it's like "Uhhh...", haha.
Just turn on the Slip mode and click on that "Bar:Beats" button (above Min:Secs, Tempo, Markers". It's a toggle button, so by clicking it it turns the grid on/off. I just spent a while figuring this out the other day. You'll find it in the manual also.
Awesome! Thanks guys, I actually started looking in the manual before I asked here and got seriously overwhelmed. :lol:

Anyway, thanks again!