Stupidcore breakdown mixtest (Axe-FX/MF)

Same, haha 'Nozzle' on The opening riff reminds me a bit of early Acacia strain. I would really cut less of the breakdown guitars man, listening to them again they sound smaller because you can hardly grab onto the fundamental and it's just really short transient. Try tracking them with less gate and do the sidechain after so we can hear what that sounds like too. I think the sidechain would sound better imo as long as you're careful with the threshold and attack! Get it more like the common mans collapse
I don't like the guitars. I know that's totally unconstructive, but I dunno how to fix em, I'm just not a huge fan.
I'm liking everything else though.
Cheers guys!
Yeah the gating is a bit ridiculous, but the clip is supposed to be a pisstake so I'm fine with it :) I wouldn't go that extreme on anything serious unless the band insisted.

Edit: Btw, the Comman Man's Collapse and other Keene recordings get away with it because the guitars are tracked at half speed or even slower sometimes. This means when you speed it up to the correct tempo the transients are much shorter than normal, giving you alot more fundamental in the same space of time.
Did Mike do that album aswell? I thought it was just their more recent one. I had no idea that he time-stretched. So he didn't sidechain he just time-stretched?
Did Mike do that album aswell? I thought it was just their more recent one. I had no idea that he time-stretched. So he didn't sidechain he just time-stretched?

Yeah, TCMC is a Keene album too. I guess not many people do know he does that, he would probably deny it if you asked him.