Stuttering Dustin


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
I wonder if you all will find this as entertaining as Chan from Progged radio did. he will never let me live this down, and this is one of the rare ocassions I was cought in the act doing something like this to my fellow musical peers on either audio, video or in this case, typing it out!

I was searching on the web for some info on some of the limted ed. Ayreon albums for a friend that had called me just a second ago and stumbbled across this online chat script that was posted... and I totally forgot about it until I saw this!

I must have you know, I was laughing my ass off...more or less in embarrassment than anyting. I believe it was on YTSE radio with Russell Allen(Symphony X), Arjen Luccassen and Ed Warby (Star One, Ayreon)

Here it is uncut:

Cast of characters: Ed (ed warby), Arjen (Arjen Lucassen), Russ ("Sir" Russell Allen) DJ_Jax (a.k.a Lady of the Oracle), KAT5guy, (me)

<@DJ_Jax> next up is KAT5guy :)
<+Russell> LAter metalman and I was jokin about the State thing later
<@DJ_Jax> hehe!
<+KAT5guy> sorry, almost missed my turn... I had a turtle head poking out!!! ;-)
<+Ed> gross!
<+Russell> LOL
<+Russell> Great!
<@DJ_Jax> speaking of e-mail, answer your dang mail Russ :p
<+Ed> did you push it back in?
<+KAT5guy> LOL!
<@DJ_Jax> thanks for sharing, Dustin lol
<+Russell> excuss me?
<+Arjen> I'm glad I don't understand this...
<+KAT5guy> I couldn't hol it.. had to drop the kids
<+Russell> I answer all the time
<@DJ_Jax> yes, be glad, Arjen lol
<+KAT5guy> Dustin from Utah here! No question from me right now guys, just a comment: Excellent work… all of you, a job well done! You jokers are a funny bunch of bastards, my type of musicians! It's good to see you all having fun with this today…I love it! Have a beer on my tab will ya? You all deserve it! A great collaboration of talent! Also… Star One is a great album to make love to! :-D
<@DJ_Jax> yeah you're getting better at it ;)
<+Ed> is it?
<+Ed> haven't tried that yet, believe it or not
<+Russell> yea well now I sit at home all the damn time I got nothin else to do hehe
<+Arjen> make love to Set Your Controls? Wow...
<@DJ_Jax> lol :)
<+KAT5guy> absolulty!
<+Ed> done in 5 minutes :-)
<@DJ_Jax> hahahaha
<+KAT5guy> LOL
<+Russell> I haven't tried to Plow any beanfields to SO yet
<+Ed> so true...
<+Arjen> Hey Kat, ever try Intergalactic Laxative?
<@DJ_Jax> plow beanfields oh man LOL
<+KAT5guy> I think it's worth a me ;-)
<+Russell> Ah you got the Spinal Tap aye Jax?
<+KAT5guy> oh...and another thing... you are ALL a bunch of sexy bitches...It's very important you!
<+KAT5guy> know typos!
<+Arjen> Eh..are you a girl?
<@DJ_Jax> uh huh LOL
<+Arjen> Good!!
<+Ed> hm, wondering about that myself
<+Russell> Sex farm woman?
<+KAT5guy> nope! lol... just sick american huimor arjen
<@DJ_Jax> hahahahaha
<+Russell> Sex Farm Man? :(
<@DJ_Jax> ok thanks Dustin :)
<+Ed> not the same is it...
<@DJ_Jax> next up is Altariel :)
<+Russell> no Ed
<+Russell> it's not
<+Russell> hehe

Lucky for me, Jax cut me off when she did... and didn't hunt me down and kill me! :loco: I wonder why I never get invited to anymore online chats like this? hhhmmm.....but hey, Arjen came back on me with a good one... intergalactic laxative! LMAO!

Very good sports...all of them. ;)
