STYXPics: Brooklyn Show Nov 19th 2006


Sep 13, 2004

Hail all!

STYX performed a benefit show for Q104.3 FM at THE HOOK in Brooklyn Sunday night.

The show was great! The sound was excellent, the setlist kicked a$$, and I didn't miss Dennis DeYoung one bit.

More photos are here:
I didn't realize Styx was touring again, but I just got one of those helpful e-mails from telling me they thought I “might like to know” that the band is releasing a live CD and DVD. Apparently, it was a benefit featuring the Cleveland Youth Orchestra.

Of course I fell for the marketing gimmick and ordered BOTH.

On a side note, the title shows up on Amazon as “Cleveland Youth Orc”. I thought for a minute that it was some sort of Tolkien theme… :lol:
I didn't realize Styx was touring again, but I just got one of those helpful e-mails from telling me they thought I “might like to know” that the band is releasing a live CD and DVD. Apparently, it was a benefit featuring the Cleveland Youth Orchestra.

Of course I fell for the marketing gimmick and ordered BOTH.

On a side note, the title shows up on Amazon as “Cleveland Youth Orc”. I thought for a minute that it was some sort of Tolkien theme… :lol:

Yes the show Sunday was also a CD/DVD release show. Thwey did mention the Cleveland Youth Orchestra.

They also mentioned that the DVD is airing on the HDTV cable network.
That musta been cool!! I bet they haven't played in a venue that small in decades!! GREAT pix!! I, for one DO miss Dennis. He is a great songwriter, IMO and a GREAT voice. That being said, I go see STYX for one reason and one reason only:


He OWNES the fucking stage when he's playing. And that voice - "Snow Blind" gives me chills just thinking about it!!

Chris :headbang:
Yes the show Sunday was also a CD/DVD release show. They did mention the Cleveland Youth Orchestra.

I got the CD and am enjoying it...but I would have liked to see more of their classic stuff in the setlist. "Love in the Midnight" and "Snowblind" both would have ROCKED with an orchestra and full choir. (Although given the age of the CYO participants, the subject matter might not have been appropriate...)
Now here's a thread that really makes me reminisce heh. I was around 10 or so.....somewhere in that neighborhood anyway.....when I got my first walkman for my birthday. Huge ass clunky thing that I actually had to carry in my hand after I broke the plastic belt clip off on like day 2. Listening to the radio was cool (holy shit it had FM) but the best part was that it played CASETTE TAPES....WOOHOO. Of course I didn't own any. So I had to scrape together some of my paltry savings and make a decision about what to buy. The very first tape I bought was Paradise Theater. It was awesome then and it is awesome now.

I'm headed out on a run to Ohio tonight(I drive a truck.....which gives me LOTS of listening time:headbang: ) I think this will be on my playlist for the evening.
This looks like it would have been a great show .. if I had been there lol!!!!!

I 've seen styx about 12 times since 1992, good stuff!!! I would be nice to see them in smaller clubs... not the Borgota!!!!