Subcyde 2005 - New demo - iotw: METAL GODDAMNIT

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
We're finally finished with our demo. I posted clips 2 months ago that the guys on the board praised... Well here are the results:

Comments from the Sneapers, are highly appreciated.:worship:

produced, mixed by modest me :loco: at my studio

1. Hollow Death
2. Breed of Chaos
3. Sacred Scars
4. The Unknown


more info at
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Can't find the old post of yours, I bet you already told what the guitar sound is etc, would you mind repeating all the technical details or maybe bumping the old thread ?

Can't find the searchbutton? So I can't find it either...
Anyway here it goes again:
The guitar is dean cadillac with emgs into a Engl Powerball into a Celestion V30 cab.
Only 2 tracks of guitar panned so no dubbing.
And the mic was a AKG D112.
daemon097 said:
did you record into protools? cubase? also - what mastering plugins did you use? was actually pretty loud, and I didn't hear any clipping....or atleast, I didn't hear any on my headphones at work...

This is all Logic 7 and logics factory plugins. The mastering is just an EQ and the AD-Limiter.
Damn dude, this sounds killer. Give us all the info, such as bass di(or micing setup if it applies), drum mics, vox mics, etc. Great job, that is a huge guitar tone for just two tracks.
Exsanguis said:
Damn dude, this sounds killer. Give us all the info, such as bass di(or micing setup if it applies), drum mics, vox mics, etc. Great job, that is a huge guitar tone for just two tracks.

The bass is just a DI box and a lot of compression.
Drum mics are ADK A51 stereo for OH. AKG for toms and
shure beta 58 for snare. Everything except cymbals and hats was
also recorded with ddrum triggers.

The vocal mic is ADK A51. Not the most expensive stuff but you
can get a pretty decent sound out of it.
Frank'nfurter said:
Thats what I always sayed. Compress the shit out of it and it will fit everytime.

Touchè, man touchè. Killer tracks. Nothing more to say!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I did try the method that Andy mentioned about taking the DI signal and add a guitar distortion in the 500-2000Hz region. You could get very cool sounds doing this but I ended up with just the compressor...