Submit Photos of Yourself in a Woods-T to the CBC!

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

Basically, e-mail photos of yourself in your WOODS OF YPRES shirts to the CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation):

Here's all the details on what the hell this is and how it works:

Help Us Build the Canadian Rock Shirt Museum!

For too long, rock shirts have wound up musty and forgotten in the bottoms of drawers and closets across the nation. These humble bits of cotton represent important moments in the music/ fashion subculture that will otherwise be forgotten unless we act to preserve them from being turned into pillows - which now that I think of it would be kind of cool.

Help preserve this nation's rich legacy of rock shirts. Help us build the Canadian Rock Shirt Museum. Here's how it works...

Take a photo of yourself in as many of your rock shirts as you can dig up. They can be new, they can be old, it doesn't matter so long as they're Canadian. So this means The Arcade Fire, goes hand in hand with Black Mountain, and DOA with Barenaked Ladies and Rush. Yeah, I know, CRAZY eh?

Photos in hand you have two ways to submit. If you're all web savy and you belong to Flickr, you can join the CBC Radio 3 Canadian Rock Shirt Museum pool, or you can simply email your entries to, and we'll add it for you. (Ahem... by sending us your photos, you grant us permission to use them as per the rules posted below the jump, so be sure you read them!)

Help us preserve this important piece of our heritage. Together, we can make it happen.

Now go read the rules for submission!

1. This group is exclusive for shirts representing Canadian bands.

2. You grant CBC Radio 3, the NON-exclusive right to use your photos on our website, podcasts, and non-commercial broadcasts.

3. You represent and warrant that you own or control your photos and the rights granted to CBC Radio 3 in this agreement.

4. You grant CBC Radio 3 the right to crop or alter your images as may be required.

5. You represent and warrant that you have the right to grant CBC use of these images, and that you have obtained clearances from the individuals photographed.

6. You agree to indemnify and hold CBC harmless from and against all claims, demands, loss, liability, damages and expenses (including legal fees and disbursements), including actions for infringement of copyright, any third party claim inconsistent with your representations and warranties or otherwise in connection with our use of your photos under the terms of this agreement.

Here's the site:

Now let's see some Canadian METAL representing amongst all that indie rock!!! Where as opposed to Canadian indie-rock, we grow beards in Canadian metal because we mean it. :heh:

DG - \w/ :kickass: