Subterranean Masquerade is so fucking good

Need sample plz. Been wanting to check them out for a few years, that one album cover is pretty rad looking.

Actually I think I have some Teh Edn comp with them on it, but that's like, 14 feet away.
ok, took it for six minutes ... at which point I felt my dick detaching from my body and had to press stop :loco:
Me no likey superslick production + me no likey long songs that go nowhere = me so solly.

Granted, I understand that songs of such complexity deserve more attention than one half-hearted listen, but if nothing sticks out then I say "no spanks" and go on my merry way.
is that paul kuhr on vocals? man those seem so out of place when they come in....i dunno about this...

hmm well after hearing the whole thing i find it interesting, probably not the kind of thing i'd feel compelled to listen to very often though. i'm not sure how i like paul's vocals; they're too...intelligible :loco:
Its funny, because I used to know the guy behind this... Tomer Pink
I used to know him from Israel... but he moved to California to work for The End Records 6 years ago.... good for him.
It is indeed, an awesome project!!!!
Yes, that's him, and I agree that his vocals sound out of place here, and/or doesn't have the conviction he brings to Novembers Doom...I thought I'd enjoy this album more than I have, but I think Tomer let his ambitions run wild and many of the songs sound disjointed despite some definite flashes of creativity...the song with the Orphaned Land vocalist on it does kick ass.