Suggestions for Multi Effects floor unit


¯\(°_o)/¯ How meet Devil?
Nov 13, 2005
Since the newly acquired Peavey Penta doesn't have an effects loop, I gotta go floor unit. I'm sure if any guys around here really use floor units as much or anything like that. I just want something that runs the gambit of effects and to where I can match up different effects at the same time. I'm looking into maybe the Line 6 M9. Any other suggestions?:headbang:
For only effects, you could use a Digitech RP500 (which I have) since it can run in 'stomp-box" mode with all amp/cabinet modeling turned off globally. With the RP500 in "stomp-box" mode you have access to a single pedal of each of these types compression, distortion, chorus/flanging/modulation (FX), delay, and reverb - a total of five on/off pedals and also a wah as well. For each of those total of 6 effects, you have a bunch to choose from in each category.
