Suggestions for your LIVE Shows


Oct 30, 2010
Hello Symphony X.
I think your shows could benefit from some kind of mod...
Just you guys with a banner behind is kinda too simplist.

Take Maiden for instance, they put the money they first made into stuff for live...

You could have medieval elements as well as technological elements. I'm watching one of your videos (fan made) and just like the keyboard hanging with chains was pretty cool in the cartoon, I think it would be awesome live..

Some lasers with smoke during intros or leads or you know, keyboard passages..

Romeo could talk to the crowd a little "i want to see you mosh" or something.

And of course... a projection screen behind you instead of a banner.. like DT did.

Improve your shows because the music kick ass and you do too, but you need stuff to complement that.
I agree with lights, I agree with a screen.
I'll contribute to the idea of the screen.

Awesome. Simplistic, but awesome.
I'm sure the guys are creative enough to think of cool concepts for videos to go behind songs.
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Lol, seriously? Hahaha. Hm, but I suppose "Of Sins and Shadows" with lasers and smoke could make things a bit more exciting than usual.

Romeo telling the crowd to mosh is actually the most likely of these things to happen. :lol:
You could have medieval elements as well as technological elements. I'm watching one of your videos (fan made) and just like the keyboard hanging with chains was pretty cool in the cartoon, I think it would be awesome live..

Some lasers with smoke during intros or leads or you know, keyboard passages..

Romeo could talk to the crowd a little "i want to see you mosh" or something.

And of course... a projection screen behind you instead of a banner.. like DT did.

I pretty much disagree with all of this. Symphony X is about the music, not the "show." If you want a show, go see a play. They don't need 80s lasers whizzing around during their music, since it would probably just bring out the cheesiness in some of their lyrics. Any medieval elements on stage would do the same. A keyboard hanging from chains sounds like something a 16-year-old Gothic/symphonic/whatever the hell band would do, not guys in their 40s.

The last thing Romeo (or anyone in the band) needs to do is encourage people to mosh, unless they're being humorous (Russ saying something like "I want you guys to tear this floor up!" right before playing When All Is Lost). And they sure as hell don't need a giant screen behind them distracting the audience from the music by playing cartoons of the band members running from a giant spider. Damn, I can't stand Dream Theater.

I'm all for Symphony X changing some aspects of their live shows, but it mostly has to do with the choice of songs they play.
What's up with the douchebag ? Fuck DT ? Umm okay

Also, the detective guy, well this is called show business. If you want to trip with your ears listen to the cd but when you go to a show it's nice to have visuals complementing the show. Makes the show have a bigger impact, bigger reactions, etc.
Theatrics are always nice at live shows, but I don't think they're in a financial position to pull off anyhting major. Maybe for a one off thing, like when they finally decide to put together a live DVD.
Can't Nuclear Blast pay ? And honestly, except the big screen, no need to pay insame amounts of money to tweak the visuals a little.. a few elements, subtle, ..
I love it when they ask me to mosh. That's the cue to fold your arms and glare.
I agree with lights, I agree with a screen.
I'll contribute to the idea of the screen.

Awesome. Simplistic, but awesome.
I'm sure the guys are creative enough to think of cool concepts for videos to go behind songs.

That's a fantastic performance!
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Genesis in Rome is one of the more impressive light shows I've seen, with one of the better modern-Genesis setlists.

But something like that wouldn't even be necessary. If anybody got to see Meshuggah on their tour this year, that would be more fitting of a "light show" for a band like Symphony X. Far more simple than the Genesis thing, but still crazy in its own right. They had the lights all sync'd up to the music. They would flash in sync with the polyrhythms and grooves, and I found it rather interesting, especially for someone who's not a huge Meshuggah fan.

Can't Nuclear Blast pay ? And honestly, except the big screen, no need to pay insame amounts of money to tweak the visuals a little.. a few elements, subtle, ..
... or were you serious?
Of course I was. Aren't they supposed to help the bands they sign ? I don't know much about the music industry tho..

And I agree with a "light" show, all sync with the music which is what I meant with the laser.. all programmed with DMZ or something
Record companies say "HEY, LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM." and then say "HEY, GO WATCH THIS SHOW."
They have no responsibility as to the presentation of the show, they only promote.
The record company doesn't pay for the instruments; Lights, Pyros, etc. are the bands' responsibility.
Can't Nuclear Blast pay ? And honestly, except the big screen, no need to pay insame amounts of money to tweak the visuals a little.. a few elements, subtle, ..

Clearly, you unlike some forum members, are not very familiar with how the record business works. Harris, it's not fair to compare with Genesis, who have been a band longer than Symphony X have been out of school and who are sitting on ridiculous mountains of money thanks to widespread success. And yes, their live shows are amazing. But not gimmick'ed.