Suggestions to make a better mix (metalcore/postcore)

it sounds faded, the song is very cool so I'd definitely put the right time into processig, try using some pre-made kit if you're using superior drummer or Addictive, and go from there when setting up the sound of the rest of the instruments, it's a pit4h if you don't have the DI's!
thank you! that means a lot! What exactly do you mean it sounds "faded"?

Are the guitars are lacking punch or the over all mix lacks punch?
how would i go about fixing it as well?
did you pan the guitars?they sound like the majority are centered or less than 30% panned. or maybe the right guitar is overpowering the left one, almost all guitar i can hear is barely panned right sounding idk. hard to tell.
I think the most important thing is it lacks separation/definition,
Get the drums sounding as clean and real as possible, that might mean using strong rooms and a bit of compression
Bass is the key for the br00tz, ever heard of NoAmp sansa emulator? it does wonders, eq to compliment guitar tone and comp/limit to hell (make the kick beat slightly earlier than the bass hit, adds punch)
Double track guitars, pan wide 100%L/100%R, don't use any processing until you get exactly what you want, and then, if you don't need eq, don't.
You might always trust your ears more than anything :) and be subtle with everything! I think It'll get a lot louder doing something like this
oh definitely! so youre saying i should pan the guitars more? currently i have 2 tracks of each guitar lead/rhythm. one set is panned l/r 15 and the others are 50. i figured if i made them pan so far apart the mix would lack its punch. i guess the bass and kick really drive the mix though.. ill give your ideas a suggestions and repost a new link!
alright! tried out the suggestions and it definitely made sound a lot less cluttered. heres the link, the tone of the guitars is what really bugs me, it just sounds fuzzy, it doesnt have a very nice sound thats pleasant to the ears. ive tried all sorts of eqing and effects but i cant seem to get it too much better than it is now.

anybody know of some solid guitar plugins? many people tell me the line 6 models arent very good for direct out recording and to head in the direction of amp simulator plugins.
Damn those guitars doesn't sound very good, u should definently record it straight in to ur recording interface and use some good ampsims. Try this tutorial:
I've used it in some mixes and it sounds br00tal as fuck but still clean and not fizzy and muddy like yours.
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Wow those videos really look interesting. I'm going to give them a try when band practice comes around! Thanks, thats what i really needed, a way to get a not-so scratchy guitar tone!
ts808 + lecto + lecab (check sticky thread for cabinets list) should give you a very good sound, start clean with the amp, everything on mid, then while guitarist chugs (or a recording of him) then find the sweet spot where the distortion bites, and it's VERY probable that you're done just there, remember heavy guitars have LOTS of mids, and no matter you find mids to be too strong, KEEP them, find the way to make everything fit without scooping the guitar, if you want to mess with the tone, use the amp, no EQ's for changing character, play super tight, edit super tight, use low gain, play damn hard.
Best advice I can think of!

cheers :kickass:
im loving these suggestions guys thanks!
as far as the over all mixing, if guitars are panned far left far right, then the bass should be centered? i have 3 bass tracks one centered with the most volume and then two l/r 19 with a lower volume for more prominence.
are layers even completely necessary to make a song sound "punchy" or "huge"