

Sonic Incision
Jul 29, 2007
between sine waves
In the near future I am going to start some "mobile tracking" with laptop.
I am planning on some firewire interface up to 1000 euros or similar, with enough inputs, and going to laptop.

Focusrite Saffire 26 I/O has caught my eye. What are your suggestions?

Bear in mind, Im at the very beginning of my career, didn't finished schooling yet, so my budget is tight :) . I just want something of decent quality (pre's&convertors) and reliable.
My plan for now is just using it for recording of classic rock/metal setup (drums, bass, gtrs and vox). I have already made my mind for mics I am going to buy (source: other threads, especially that Ozs' guide :)).

Oh, and this fo' room rockz btw :headbang:
I'd go for the Saffire 26 over the Profire 2626, I'm pretty sure the Focusrite has better preamps and maybe converters - the only downsides are the M Audio lets you use Pro Tools, and that the Saffire has preamps that can't go below a +10 db gain boost (and no pads), so you'll almost certainly need an inline pad recording snare and kick drums.
I would recommend the M-Audio Profire 2626. 8 really hot pre's (72dB gain available! Except for the Apogee interfaces, pretty much unheard of), decent converters, and you can use any program you want, in addition to being able to purchase Pro Tools M-Powered down the road. A good addition to any setup.
I like the fact that it has two ADAT inputs. So, this means you can record 24 tracks simultaneous, whereas Digidesign only lets you have 16, 8 Adat and 8 standard with LE.

In comparison to the 003+ pres what is your guys thoughts? Would this be a better option than Pro Tools|LE 003+ rack?

I mean I have no doubt that Pro Tools|LE kicks ass, and I can get great recordings out of it. Having 8 extra channels is no concern of mine, 16 channels is plenty to record with. Not to mention the plug-in package that comes with the 003+ factory bundle would be ignorant not to consider, as it is only a few hundred more than the Focusrite Saffire 26.
Eh, I'm not a fan of PTLE for many reasons (track count limit, no plugin delay compensation), but the only one that really affects me in my bedroom guitarist status is still a deal breaker - no VST support (without a wrapper, anyway, and speaking of plugin delay...) I'd go for Cubase, Sonar, or REAPER over PT any day unless you think you're gonna be getting clients that want PT sessions to send to mixing/mastering engineers (or who want to send you PT sessions to mix/master). And even then, you already have an MBOX2 Pro for that.
Yeah, it is kind of ridiculous that they limit the track count. However, I doubt I will see the day when I personally use more than 32 tracks in one session. I do find it funny they fail to mention LE only supports 32 tracks in any promotions/sales situation. VST support I personally could care less about, I am content with the factory RTAS plug-ins (I may buy 1 or 2 extra). I have never dealt with plug-in delay problems before... So, I guess my only grip would really be the 32 track count...The reason for getting the 003+ and an adat pre is to have 16 channels to record with (drums). It would be nice to mess around with other programs though...