Sum 41 at my school


Nov 12, 2005
My school does this thing called "Coffee House" where you sign your band up and paly to the school, $5 a ticket, money goes to charity. There is maybe 2 good bands of the shitfest emo-scene kids that join, and absolutely no metal bands join up. Needless to say, I avoid such things, unless I have freinds playing in it.

This year, I have heard rumor of "Juno Award winning band preforming", and now my friend said Sum 41 might be attending.

Needless to say again, I must prank Sum 41 if they play.

I will post further details as they come. Right now if they do show, it will be somthing simple like water guns from a car window. Any further suggestions?
Hmm. Sum 41 seem like decent dudes to have a drink with, besides their shit music and image. You probably couldn't prank them without them somehow turning it around on you. Get drunk with them, then beat up one of them or something.
ask them to shake your hand, and when they reach out whip out your penis into their hand and get a friend to IMMEDIATELY take a picture. It's the ultimate burn because it will be allll over the news and the one who you put your penis in their hand will be called a fag even more then he is now :lol: and it will be true cause he touched your sausage.

You don't need to have your face in the picture just make sure you get his face, his hand, and your cock. Fucking Burn? Yes.
well its a slim chance they would show up. SO far Cock idea is winning. Whatever happens it will be filmed, im working now on getting some inside people to help me seeing as I dont actually go to this school anymore, i graduated 2 months ago :lol:
They are actually sound guys, btw. I dont appreciate the music, but I bumped into them a yr or so ago and they liked my emperor shirt. They came across as sound.
if i remember correctly....sum 41 is the shitty punk band which openly admitted theyre only doing it for the money....and are actually metalheads at heart. so i say buy them a drink and follow the seldomlaids idea
Yeah, their first CD was like pop punk with one metal-ish song and then they did a blink 182 rip off, then a weird middle album then a metallica rip off. Seem like fun guys though. I'm not a fan of the music.
BloodyScalpel said:
I'd say do what lars said.

Come on, the cock thing is cruel, not funny.

Ok it's funny but it's still cruel to the poor guy :lol:

It's just teh perfect pwn:lol:

Imagine if someone did that with alexi... this place would be making fun of it for like 3 years :lol: