It's gone down to -1 over here in Perth recently but goes up to about 15 or 16 during the day. It's not so much the actual temperature, but instead the temperature change through out the day. At least if it was consistently cold, your body kinda gets used to it.
It is, but lately we've been having some ridiculously hot Summers and ridiculously cold Winters. It reached 44 degrees in Summer and you could actually feel your skin burning if you didn't wear any sun screen.

The weather is still alot more predictable than Melbourne though which is a good thing, you can actually get 4 seasons happen in one day over there.
My main objective in Arizona would be to see the Grand Canyon, so I don't expect to be swinging too near your neck of the woods, unless you feel like schlepping out to meet me. :)

Fuck that! Come party with me and Dakryn. We'll meet up. UM gathering in Phoenix. Don't be a bitch.
@vihris don't be a gay, go to Japan any time other than Christmas and I'll meet you out in Osaka or Tokyo to make a mess.

My summer has been weird. I've had this weird S.A.D./super mild not-quite-depression thing going on for weeks, it rained for almost a month straight, but stuff is looking up.

This past weekend I went to Kobe and Osaka and met a bunch of friends and made a huge mess and spent all day today in a love hotel with Man-Purse in Fukuoka (it's a national holiday). He brought his man-purse today btw.

Next weekend some friends are having their joint b-day party at my friend's restaurant and we are going to a fireworks festival in kimonos the day after.

Then on the 28th I'm hopping on a plane with my cougar restaurant-owning friend Miho and spending 2 weeks in AMERICA, running all over upstate NY (anyone from Albany OTHER THAN razoredge?) and Boston seeing old friends and my family and most importantly eating all the fusion salads and American style Chinese takeout I can possibly fit in my stomach.

So that's all fun, but generally I fucking hate Japanese summers, nothing at all to do at work and it is uncomfortably hot at the school and outside (gets as hot as 97 F/36 C with full humidity and huge bugs) and if you don't set dehumidifiers all over your house, shit gets moldy.
I took in a couple days this past weekend at the Lowell Folk Fest. All sorts of great food and music. I met Lowells own Mickey Ward (the boxer) most known for his amazing trilogy with the late Aturo Gatti. Mickey is such a down to earth great guy. He hung out with us in City hall plaza for a bit, had some beers and took some pics...very cool moment.

This coming weekend taking my first Boston Harbor Cruise...lookn forward to it. I'm curious, anyone here done this before? I believe its the cruise you take out at night...dinner / dance shit? Better not be like a fookin duckboat tour.
All I need.

@ Krampus...have a safe trip. And you hittin Boston too correct?

@ Zeph...that boat would very much do as well. Though, my boat is bigger.:D
Yep Boston for a weekend to see my friends from college. I'm a little worried though because my boyfriend has offered to drive me and my friend from JFK to Albany when we arrive but nothing's for sure and he doesn't have a phone and hasn't answered email yet. I have 19 hours before I need to call my hotel to cancel the reservation if he is going to pick us up, but we also haven't made alternative travel arrangements from NYC to Albany (Greyhound or Amtrak) and it's just stressful.