Summer Metal Beachfest 2005


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2003
You are cordially invited to the inaugural Summer Metal Beachfest on July 9th, 2005 at Brighton Beach in Brooklyn.

The party will begin at 7pm on July 9th on Brighton Beach at Coney Island Ave. Wear all-black and/or a metal shirt to identify yourself. This is open to all metalheads. True, power, black, death, speed, etc. No elitist nonsense.

Do bring: beach gear, drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), radios, boom-boxes, etc.

Directions: Take the Q train to the Brighton Beach station. Walk down Coney Island Avenue to the boardwalk. Look for metalheads. There will be a group of people meeting up at Union Square to take the train together down to Brooklyn. If you want to be on the “metal express” to the party, show up on the Brooklyn bound Q train platform at 6pm.

Disclaimer: This gathering is truly voluntary and you assume all risks by attending. Responsible adults only. There are no bands playing. There is no one in charge of planning therefore it will only work if people show up. No Hipsters.

Spread the word. Re-post this notice everywhere. Post it on metal boards, online information places, in other metal forums and web boards. Tell all of your friends. Let's make this huge.

Email any questions to