Summer Slaughter Bill 2010 - Yay or Nay?


Bathrobed Architect
Dec 17, 2008
2010 Summer Slaughter Bands and Lineup

The Faceless
All Shall Perish
The Red Chord
Veil Of Maya
Cephalic Carnage
Decrepit Birth
Animals As Leaders
Vital Remains

I care only for the first and last band because the rest I've either seen (20%) or are god awful (80%). Also, I am a bit skeptical on how the new drummer is for decapitated, and everyone likes Covan's vox more than the new guy, so that's also a factor.

Tickets are $30 for Toronto. Worth it?
Not amazing, but it doesn't suck either. I think it'd be better if you took the 4 best bands (Decapitated, The Faceless, Cephalic Carnage, and Decrepit Birth) and didn't make it a touring festival size lineup where either the show starts way too early or the bands play ultra short sets.
I think it'll probably end up with the second option, since Canada's live sound IATSE union is exactly what it sounds like and starts charging double rate after 11pm, so there's no way the show is starting any earlier than 7. 4 hours. 10 bands? I saw the faceless, and DB. This is starting to sound like a no...
I saw this lineup on a club's site as I was looking for other shows recently. At that place it says doors open at 2pm. On a Friday.
Would be worth it for Decapitated, Cephalic Carnage and Vital Remains. The Faceless and Decrepit Birth would be killer as well. Aside from that, I've already seen the Red Chord, and everyone else is just scenster death metal.
It's a pretty good lineup, having been every year since it started it's not the greatest but i'm still stoked. Fucking vital remains, animals as leader (FUCK YEAH!), decrepit birth, the faceless and decapitated easily get my moneys worth. and if it's anything like last year all the gaycore fags will leave early. so stoked to see decapitated back in action, and covan fucking sucked nuts, i dont know the new guy but i'm guessing anything is better than covan
Last year I had a lot of fun in Seattle at Summer Slaughter, so since they're hitting Vancouver this year, I'm definitely going.
the whole atmosphere, and PARTY!
Maybe I'm getting older now, but this is exactly what keeps me away from shows like this nowadays. I think I've just been to waaay too many shows and got burnt out.

I'm only going to see bands I REALLY love anymore, and Cephalic Carnage is about the only one from that lineup that falls into that category. Not worth the cost and the endless teenagers.
Maybe I'm getting older now, but this is exactly what keeps me away from shows like this nowadays. I think I've just been to waaay too many shows and got burnt out.

I'm only going to see bands I REALLY love anymore, and Cephalic Carnage is about the only one from that lineup that falls into that category. Not worth the cost and the endless teenagers.

Well, depends how you look at it. I love going to shows because I end up seeing so many friends and I always have a great time. Take MDF for example the party and the atmosphere is a part of the whole fest. I go to a lot of shows too, I dunno, I love it. I love seeing my friends and shoot the shit and drink and have a good time and see my favorite bands play live. Sure, sometimes I am not in the mood for it, and I also find myself skip a lot of shows, but overall if it's a fest, (like the one in this topic) and a lot of my friends are going: I always go knowing I'll have a blast
I love these fests when they come around. Shooting the shit, drinking with bands, surrounded by great friends. The atmosphere (when it isn't an all ages show) is awesome. Everyone is there to enjoy themselves, and a lot of the people there are only social to the people of the metal genre. Though annoying, you really get to meet some interesting people. All ages shows on the other hand, end up being the regular of-age showgoers showing them how it's done. Fun as it is, it always seems to be more of a burden than anything.

Either way, it's always a party, lots of fun.

I go to as many shows as possible early in the year, knowing especially that when it gets busy in my restaurant, I won't have the chance to get out to a show, besides the odd one that lands on a Monday or Tuesday.
Well, depends how you look at it. I love going to shows because I end up seeing so many friends and I always have a great time. Take MDF for example the party and the atmosphere is a part of the whole fest. I go to a lot of shows too, I dunno, I love it. I love seeing my friends and shoot the shit and drink and have a good time and see my favorite bands play live. Sure, sometimes I am not in the mood for it, and I also find myself skip a lot of shows, but overall if it's a fest, (like the one in this topic) and a lot of my friends are going: I always go knowing I'll have a blast
I love shows for that reason too, but those types of shows are becoming few and far between now. I honestly think I'm just burnt out on the live show experience. Doing Metal Shop, I was going to shows constantly, mainly featuring bands I didn't care about. I met a lot of phony people and a lot of drunks and so many people that were just trying too hard to impress everyone else and I hate it. It was like a big version of grown up high school, as much as all of them would deny that, that's all it is.

I think I'm becoming jaded with the whole "metal lifestyle". I think what initially draws people to this kind of lifestyle is ultimately what makes me lose interest in it now... the fact that you sort of have to believe that metal and music are the absolute most important things in the world and everything else can fuck off. I don't believe in that attitude anymore and when I go to shows I see nothing but people who still do. It's all fine and dandy, but it's not for me anymore. All anybody ever wants to talk about is some band's new album or some other band that's coming to town soon or any other typical hesher activity you can think of. I don't care anymore about talking about that stuff. I get much more out of hanging out with my real friends in a medium where we can talk and think about things besides metal and music and slamming beers.

Honestly, I think the bottom line is I just oversaturated myself with the show-going lifestyle and now I feel my time and money are better spent elsewhere, experiencing things that I'm not familiar with :)

I will still go see bands I love and enjoy the company I find myself in while I'm there. I just can't do it all the time anymore and especially when I don't care about the music.
I think I'm becoming jaded with the whole "metal lifestyle". I think what initially draws people to this kind of lifestyle is ultimately what makes me lose interest in it now... the fact that you sort of have to believe that metal and music are the absolute most important things in the world and everything else can fuck off. I don't believe in that attitude anymore and when I go to shows I see nothing but people who still do. It's all fine and dandy, but it's not for me anymore. All anybody ever wants to talk about is some band's new album or some other band that's coming to town soon or any other typical hesher activity you can think of. I don't care anymore about talking about that stuff. I get much more out of hanging out with my real friends in a medium where we can talk and think about things besides metal and music and slamming beers.

Oh god, I hate that. That's exactly what I hate about the metal world as well. ...and I never really consider myself having 'metal lifestyle' anyways.

It's so funny that we discuss this now, I was just talking about this with a friend of mine who is a 'metal persona' himself and how just because someone likes metal so much, or play in a band, doesn't mean that's his/hers life or who they are...

Metal does not define me at all. I love it, but I treat it as a hobby.
I have so many more sides, layers and interests other than "omg-metal-666-yeah" bullshit that I completely understand you.
I treat metal or anything else I do as I treat being a 'flexitarian'. I enjoy it, have a taste of it, but it's not taking over my life.
Just because I happen to think that meat shouldn't be consumed daily doesn't mean I want to go all the way and be a vegetarian or vegan. Just because I love fine wine and gourmet food doesn't mean I am going to act all elitist and ban pizza or other simple foods all together from my life. Just because I love art, doesn't mean that from now on all my free time will be spent in museums, and just because I'm into metal doesn't mean I don't like other types of music or enjoy fashion that is not '100% black'
I hate to 'commit' and define myself accrding to one aspect of who I am.
I think you would agree with me Kevin :)
People define themselves all the time, placing their life or who they are in boxes, and as far as I'm concern, life's too short for any kind of box.
Heck, I want all boxes of life to be a part of my robust round world.

So yeah, in metal shows/ fests you happen to come across the type who would want to act all 'metal' and talk about music all day and be all stupid and shallow... but sometimes you find yourself hang out with good peeps, drinking good beers and having a good time.

I know how you feel Kev, I may not have worked in a big radio show, but I worked for Metal Hammer and record labels and did a lot of band promotions and went on tours and all the good stuff, that when I used to go to shows people would always talk to me about THAT and I got so sick of it.
I can't blame you; your situation is even bigger than mine. (MetalSHop that is) It's very understandable.

When I go to shows I just treat it as a fun night and nothing more. I hang out with the people I want to hang out with, I see people I enjoy seeing at shows, I enjoy seeing my bands, drinking my beer and act all-metal for one night ;)

...and sometimes I just skip shows as well, because ..I dunno, I'm not in the mood.

Honestly, I think the bottom line is I just oversaturated myself with the show-going lifestyle and now I feel my time and money are better spent elsewhere, experiencing things that I'm not familiar with :)

and that is indeed awesome :) This is your time to enjoy and explore! :kickass:
2010 Summer Slaughter Bands and Lineup

The Faceless
All Shall Perish
The Red Chord
Veil Of Maya
Cephalic Carnage
Decrepit Birth
Animals As Leaders
Vital Remains

I care only for the first and last band because the rest I've either seen (20%) or are god awful (80%). Also, I am a bit skeptical on how the new drummer is for decapitated, and everyone likes Covan's vox more than the new guy, so that's also a factor.

Tickets are $30 for Toronto. Worth it?

I'll probably go. Mainly for Decapitated, Cephalic Carnage, Decrepit Birth and Animals As Leaders. I may even work if they ask me to.
Oh god, I hate that. That's exactly what I hate about the metal world as well. ...and I never really consider myself having 'metal lifestyle' anyways.

It's so funny that we discuss this now, I was just talking about this with a friend of mine who is a 'metal persona' himself and how just because someone likes metal so much, or play in a band, doesn't mean that's his/hers life or who they are...

Metal does not define me at all. I love it, but I treat it as a hobby.
I have so many more sides, layers and interests other than "omg-metal-666-yeah" bullshit that I completely understand you.
I treat metal or anything else I do as I treat being a 'flexitarian'. I enjoy it, have a taste of it, but it's not taking over my life.
Just because I happen to think that meat shouldn't be consumed daily doesn't mean I want to go all the way and be a vegetarian or vegan. Just because I love fine wine and gourmet food doesn't mean I am going to act all elitist and ban pizza or other simple foods all together from my life. Just because I love art, doesn't mean that from now on all my free time will be spent in museums, and just because I'm into metal doesn't mean I don't like other types of music or enjoy fashion that is not '100% black'
I hate to 'commit' and define myself accrding to one aspect of who I am.
I think you would agree with me Kevin :)
People define themselves all the time, placing their life or who they are in boxes, and as far as I'm concern, life's too short for any kind of box.
Heck, I want all boxes of life to be a part of my robust round world.

So yeah, in metal shows/ fests you happen to come across the type who would want to act all 'metal' and talk about music all day and be all stupid and shallow... but sometimes you find yourself hang out with good peeps, drinking good beers and having a good time.

I know how you feel Kev, I may not have worked in a big radio show, but I worked for Metal Hammer and record labels and did a lot of band promotions and went on tours and all the good stuff, that when I used to go to shows people would always talk to me about THAT and I got so sick of it.
I can't blame you; your situation is even bigger than mine. (MetalSHop that is) It's very understandable.

When I go to shows I just treat it as a fun night and nothing more. I hang out with the people I want to hang out with, I see people I enjoy seeing at shows, I enjoy seeing my bands, drinking my beer and act all-metal for one night ;)

...and sometimes I just skip shows as well, because ..I dunno, I'm not in the mood.

and that is indeed awesome :) This is your time to enjoy and explore! :kickass:

I feel the same way. I used to be all hardcore about the "metal lifestyle", but now as I get older, also having worked a venue for a several years, I began to notice how ridiculous the whole thing is. I'll always love metal and going to shows, but now it's about kicking back and having a good time with good people and good music.

also, this needs to be posted :lol:

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